So this morning I was taking my niece Payton to school. For the - TopicsExpress


So this morning I was taking my niece Payton to school. For the last few weeks, shes been asking if we can stop at Starbucks to get her a cake pop; as her daddy does on special occasions (note: the sun rising is a special occasion to a child.) The innate mother in me, coupled with the Ayurvedic student, consistently changed the topic; feeling that it might be unwise to give a 5 year old a golf ball sized mound of refined sugar before sending her off to school. I didnt want to be responsible for possible sweet induced mayhem. Then, today happened. Payton got into my car and we had a typical morning drive conversation: we discuss her dreams from the night before. Aunt Rachel, last night I had a dream that I had summer powers and I made summer come and stay forever and it was great. And Olaf melted but he was happy because it was summer. When is summer gonna come Aunt Rachel? And I flashed to the last 6 months of winter, and all the conversations I had had with Payton about when it would be over. *Aunt Rachel, if we had a wishing well, I would just wish for summer to be here forever. *Aunt Rachel, can we find a wishing well? I have a penny to wish for summer. Aunt Rachel, Im sleepy. I think its because its still winter. And so on. Guys, when 5 year olds are having dreams about acquiring magical season altering powers so that summer stays FOREVER, winter has gone on too long. This kid has suffered this weather long enough. I turned in my seat and said Payton, do you know what today is? She shook her head no. Today is cake pop day. Her eyes got wide. Youre gonna get me a cake pop, Aunt Rachel? Yup. Because, honestly, what is the point of having a Tantric aunt if she doesnt support your rebellion against social dietary norms and show you how to skillfully indulge your senses? Dessert at 830 in the morning? YES. BECAUSE WINTER GUYS. Sweet induced mayhem COMMENCE. I have to tell you, watching her little face examine and delight in that artificial pink sugar ball on a stick made it bright as a June day in my heart guys. She may actually have season altering powers after all.
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 18:06:08 +0000

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