So this morning I woke up from an awesome dream that was a Great - TopicsExpress


So this morning I woke up from an awesome dream that was a Great American movie. Here is the screenplay. (Begins with https://youtube/watch?v=JIuJVMNNZAM) SCENE 1 The music synchs up to our heroes footsteps hitting the ground hard, running through a crowded morning marketplace. A policeman, TOM HANKS, follows in hot pursuit. They jump over egg displays and knock them down. Our hero is kind of a jerk sometimes. We feel bad for him but we know hes kind of a shit stirrer and prob. deserves whatever is happening. Typical poor boy/rich policeman struggle. Our hero (TOM ANDRZEJEWSKI) takes the policeman (TOM HANKS) on a crazy chasing spree through the whole town, over a bridge, and finally loses him in the woods, but not before he hears a last warning in the distance as the policeman finally slows to a stop: TOM HANKS: Ill get you, Tom! Youll be sorry! SCENE 2 Our hero thinks hes a real wise guy. A real smart dude. Thinks hes outwitted the police and got away scot free. But he knows he cant go back to town so he travels to the next town. Hes a good guy, though, and he values his education, so instead of stealing more stuff hes like, you know what, Ill just go to school. He walks in and goes up to the window with the teacher. Tom: My name is TOM ANDRZEJEWSKI (he says) and Id like to go to school. We just moved into town. SUDDENLY two policeman, accompanied by TOM HANKS, accost him from a room beside him. They have been WAITING ALL ALONG. They scuffle but he is quickly doomed and angrily stops trying to escape as their grasp tightens and they begin to cuff him. TOM HANKS: What kind of a name is Andrezejewski? TOM ANDRZEJEWSKI: (angstily) youll remember it someday! (which is totes not foreshadowing.) SCENE 3 Our hero is taken away to live on a train where TOM HANKS is in charge of a bad-guy chain gang. They often get into power struggles and one time, even a fist fight. But soon they find they have a common enemy, the evil TRAIN OWNER who is mistreating his workers and stealing money from the passengers. Also, his daughter is there and she has a big hoop skirt and TOM really likes her so when the TRAIN OWNER is mean to her hes like stop man thats not cool. SCENE 4 TOM HANKS AND TOM ANDRZEJEWSKI finally realize they are more alike than they thought and team up for good. TOM HANKS finally does remember TOM ANDRZEJEWSKIs stupid last name and it is a warm and touching moment. They decide to be a GREAT AMERICAN HERO TEAM. END MOVIE ROLL CREDITS PS: Cant believe whats in my brain sometimes. This is truly a homeschoolers dream.
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 15:18:02 +0000

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