So this past couple of weeks I have been the target of spiritual - TopicsExpress


So this past couple of weeks I have been the target of spiritual attacks. As the weeks dragged on my appetite declined, I would rest and not feel able to get up, in class as I took notes my mind would be clouded and my thoughts would be all over the place, my motivation for the very things I enjoyed and took pride in the fact that God allowed me to be successful in them flatlined, and thoughts of quitting or simply being withheld from finishing my race of faith floated around in my mind. As I struggled I would pray for relief and to be released from the situation at hand by God. I painstakingly wrote it into my devotionals, under distress I would verbally confirm Gods promises for me, and during those moments with teeth grit in despair and tears streaming down my face I would declare that no force would overcome me because my God has made me victorious and mighty to save. I was irritable. I was downtrodden. In my suffering I ended up distancing myself from others and pushing them away out of want of not causing them to stumble and fall. Enough was enough. This wasnt fair to those who were close to me or whose support had been undeniably trustworthy even during the worst circumstances. I contacted my fellow leaders in InterVarsity, prepared to inform them of my situation, and under pressure I felt prepared to withdraw from leadership until I was able to resolve the issue. Thank God for those I can depend on. After powerful prayers were lifted up to God I felt free. The feelings of emotional apathy, the bouts of depression, the irritability...gone. I can only boast of Gods grace and power during this situation. However, let me take a moment to highlight what my fellow leaders said which was given to them by God. Stephen, who had powerful prophetic dreams from God, relayed to me that God was using my gifts and talents in a way to destroy the enemys tools for His glory. Stephanie, who experienced a similar situation, remained upbeat and even pushed me towards the company of believers never allowing me for a second to yield. Ashley, who prayed, remained close, and did not hesitate to remind me of Gods promises and remained in my corner despite the circumstances. Betina who saw prayer as a crucial requirement versus an option during this situation had admirable strength and courage. Arnesha who yet again came for support and prayed during this crucial moment. There was Alex, Mr. Bill, and others that continued to pray despite not being there in person. And finally, Yanisa who took the time out during her visit home to phone in, pray, recite the promises of God, and in months past allowed God to use her as an open vessel to relay a warning of Satans schemes to attack the leadership and members of InterVarsity. My God protected me, he conquered, he slayed, and more importantly his love was put on full display. I am not quite sure the magnitude by which my spiritual warfare has been strengthened, but my God was with me in the midst of the flames, the waves roared but he prevented me from being overcome, and though I walked through the shadow of the valley of death I had peace and survived the journey. 2Thessalonians 3:3 -But the Lord is faithful. He will establish you and guard you against the evil one. Amen.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 01:47:48 +0000

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