So, this summer, for various reasons, I just didnt get much - TopicsExpress


So, this summer, for various reasons, I just didnt get much writing time, and by the middle of August, while we were still in America, I was going a little nuts from frustration. So one night, when Id gotten completely fed up, I handed Baby X to my parents, and I ran away to the closest coffeeshop, desperate to write something - anything! But I didnt have anything particular in mind. So I opened up Pinterest, I browsed through the images my friends had posted…and one of them (a lovely necklace with words written on the beads) grabbed me and somehow combined in my head with all the conversations Id been having lately with some very old friends. I typed like a madwoman for about an hour, finished with a full draft of a very short but intense story…and today (just after Id gotten home from another coffeeshop writing session, this one in our little town in Wales), I found out that that story has sold to Daily Science Fiction magazine! Hooray! Its been a very good Saturday so far. :)
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 14:15:26 +0000

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