So this video is the second part of the first video I posted. I - TopicsExpress


So this video is the second part of the first video I posted. I saw this man in a corner under the sun and I decided to have a talk with him and help him out for an hour and a half. He was negative about the government and he wanted to kill himself under the sun and starving himself. The video is short and you cant see his face many times because I didnt want him to feel embarrassed. I decided to post this because I think humanity needs to be more charitable and giving. I stopped the video when the conversation became really personal about him. I talked to his mom and his mom was desperate because of his decision of killing himself. Ended up that this man is educated, never been in jail, never raped, and used to be really healthy. I told him Americans are spoiled. He was suffering because the government has taken everything from him. She was not high he was not drunk but he had the victim mentality. At the end of the conversation I knew about him a lot and he knew about me a lot. He stayed there a little more and thought he would continue trying to kill himself from starvation. I told him I had a hope he would stop thinking negative about government and he would to start thinking about the good people who passed by his life, the ones he helped, his mom etc. Instead of thinking about government and politics she would start making a difference in other peoples lives and will leave that lifestyle that he ended up choosing. For a minute I didnt think he would, he set down there again and I felt sad because he didnt change. 30 minutes late I passed by there again and he is not there anymore he is at 7-Eleven buying food for himself. My heart is happier than ever. Loving and helping others is the best reward you can have in your life. Feel inspired into the same the world needs more people helping others.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 22:56:03 +0000

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