So those of you who stayed at Coco Palms or just visited there - TopicsExpress


So those of you who stayed at Coco Palms or just visited there when it was open may remember that on the bridge between the lobby and the retail building was a ping pong table. My late wife Jerri and I really enjoyed going down there to play ping pong. Since the fire 8 days ago, Ive really copped a bad attitude...a bad attitude about people and about the Coco Palms....just really bummed out. Today, I was walking the grounds with a fire investigator from Oahu. As we were walking past what is left of the bridge, I happened to look down....and OMG, there was a ping pong ball! A little dirty, but otherwise in perfect condition. Mind you, over alll these years since CCP closed down, Ive been on that bridge a thousand times....never have I seen a ping pong ball, yet there it was. It never should have survivied, both the fire and the excavators which drove over that spot many, many times while knocking down the lobby. I KNOW my Jerri put it there, saying Bob, chill out....just remember how much fun we had at CCP. There is no other reason the ping pong ball just appeared there. Thank you Jerri for the attitude adjustment. I put the ball on a Coco Palms 30th anniversary plate.
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 04:33:12 +0000

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