So thou sayest Beneficiary1 from Get Out of Debt 1. - TopicsExpress


So thou sayest Beneficiary1 from Get Out of Debt 1. dont register for anything in your name. If you must register for something use a different persona, a different date of birth. Mess with their stupid data...and you are never a title, so let something else, some other persona be a title. 2. stop contracting. If you receive anything in the post that seeks to change the terms of your contract, rebut it: No contract, no consent to any change in terms and conditions. For too long banks and corporations have had it their way by simply sending out revised terms and conditions not expecting their customers to do anything about it. Start doing something. Start replying or returning their post: No contract, return to sender and record it. 3. if you receive anything in the post that seeks to attach itself to your legal fiction: return the filthy post back to sender: addressee not recognised no contract return to sender why would you want to represent a dead person or give energy to something that wants to make you liable for something? Always rebut it by sending it back no contract. 4. Never ever register for the electoral roll. Are you mad? Why would you want to be part of a pedophile gang? Why would you want to support an parasite [edited by admin] corporation that makes you the slaves that you are? These people are psychopaths. They dont care about you, they care about themselves. 5. Dont pay for the council tax scam. You are not that person that lives at that address. You are not responsible for council tax. All persons are dead entities. They want you to make the assumption that you are that person. Look up the legal definition of person, or individual or you or defendant, or consumer or resident or occupier or whatever label their statute seeks to attach itself to. There are many personas. There are many masks. You are only one man or one woman - nothing else. Dont be tricked or fooled into accepting the title of anything else. Ever. You wont find many statutes that ever use the word man or woman. i cant think of any right now. They make you believe you are some other persona, some other mask, some other identity. You are none of these persons. 6. If you do find yourself attached to something, immediately and without hesitation put the chief executive on notice of harm and wrongdoing. Inform the chief executive of what he is doing and the harm he is causing you and he better be prepared to prove that you owe something, or you are that label otherwise he is liable. Do not be intimidated by a chief executive costume. He/She is just another man or woman with a title. Nothing more, nothing less. Always hold the chief executive to account. Always. 7. Never be the registered keeper. You dont need to pay for car tax if you are not a crown employee or Government agent or public serpent. Their legalese is for them, not you. A man or woman can never under-stand legalese. If a policy officer (police officer) pulls you over for a revenue offence, he is trying to contract with you. Understand how policy officers use fear and intimidation to get you to stand under get you to understand their authority and contract with them. You have to get them to understand your authority as a man or a woman. Never get out of your car. Only wind the window down a fraction in order to put policy officer on i under arrest, or am i free to go only after recording their names and business details. If you must contract, you contract on your conditionally contract. Yeah, ill get out the car on the condition you pay me X amount of fiats. Yeah, ill give you a name on the condition you agree to pay me a million pounds sterling. Why give up your personal and private details so lightly? Why? It is the conditioning. Stop being programmed and start acting like a man or a woman. Start living as if you really are free. In short: be the change you want to see. 8. If you get a ticket, it is the registered keeper that is liable. Therefore, if the registered keeper isnt you, how can you be liable for anything?: Addressee not recognised No contract return to sender Always have proof of ownership for your car. 9. Dont pay for your public utilities. They are your birth right. If you had an apple tree and some corporation came on to your land and picked your apples and then tried to sell them back to you, what would you do? Hell no you would say. Theyre my apples? Who the f**k do you think you are, you fu**ing theif, you fuc*ing scum? The utility company employees will make assumptions because they dont know what they dont know. You as a sovereign man can be who you want to be. you are free. Therefore, give them a liable name for them to chase their tales. Let them make their stupid assumptions. You remain in honour by not responding to any post that has nothing to do with you. It really is pretty simple. Dont register a name that your house is registered to. That would be really stupid, wouldnt it? They use different personas to attach liabilities to you fraudulently. Reverse this on them. Today, you are Mr John Doe or whoever you want to be. Let them make their assumptions just like the corrupt judges do when tricking decent and innocent men and women to their revenue racket in their courts of just us. Everytime you switch a utility provider (e.g. online) and they try to contract with you afterwards, return their stupid correspondence back to them: addressee not recognised, No contract, return to sender. 10. Start holding corporations to account using your rights as a man or woman - all rights reserved. If some corporation breaches your contract, dont settle for peanuts, hold the chief executive to account. Make demands. Hold people/employees to account. 11. If you have a loan or credit card and you believe the whole thing is a scam, stop contracting. Return everything back to them. Every statement (never a bill) must be sent: addressee not recognised no contract return to sender How are they going to prove that you are the all capital name if you dont consent to this? What they going to do, tie you up and force you to accept the CROWN COPYRIGHT NAME. What are they going to do? We are so stupid. We have been conditioned to believe that we must defend the liable legal fiction. It is their monopoly board name. It is their slave name for us. It is the name they give us to extract taxes and revenue and to rape us financially. STOP REPRESENTING THE CROWN COPYRIGHT NAME STOP REGISTERING FOR EVERYTHING - REGISTER SHOULD BE WARNING WARNING WARNING in your minds 12. if someone called the CROWN prosecution service writes to you, qualify who this is? Is it Queen Elizabeth II or is it the stinking CITY OF LONDON CROWN CORPORATION? If your all capital name is CROWN COPYRIGHT, then they are effectively attacking themselves. You, as a man or a woman can only be the beneficiary. They want you to commit fraud and represent the CROWN LEGAL FICTION NAME. They want you dishonoured. If you are brought before the court, put judge on notice and get everyones names. if they ask for your name, never contract to the legal fiction. Ask the judge on record: what name do you want...the legal fiction name or the name of the man? It is always the name that gets you into trouble. Read my first posts. It all starts from the birth certificate. This is the foundation document from which all further Government documentation is derived from. ....and lastly: STOP CONTRACTING Withdraw your energy from all that would do you harm. you will see that your bank balance is much the better off and you will have peace of mind that no parasite can attach itself to you, because nothing is registered in your name. Do you get it now? It is the name they want. The liable name that they create in order to tax you and harm you. Stop representing the name. Jesus said when questioned: Are you Jesus of Nazareth? So say you,he replied, knowing full well the surname IS the liable name. peace.
Posted on: Tue, 08 Apr 2014 16:42:36 +0000

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