So time for a Courtney update. As most of you know, I have been - TopicsExpress


So time for a Courtney update. As most of you know, I have been suffering with chronic debilitating lower back pain since August 2013. After several MRIs and visits to specialists, I was diagnosed with Moderate to Severe Degenerative Disc Disease, an extrusion (herniated disc) at L4-L5 as well as a tear at L5-S1. Jump forward a year and despite following all treatment plans and medications, my injuries have not healed and my pain is actually worse. I have been unable to work and left my job with DJJ last March. In addition, I have had pain in my arms, hands and fingers (to the extent I cant open my hands or move my fingers in the morning), chronic flat-out exhaustion, and have lost almost 50lbs. Yes, you read that right. 50lbs. I am now struggling to gain, or at least maintain my weight. So... I was sent to another specialist to make better sense of my clinical presentation and I finally have an additional diagnosis and a new treatment plan. I went to see a rheumatologist, and after extensive blood work and additional X-Rays of all my joints, I have been diagnosed with AS. AS, which stands for Ankylosing Spondylitis, is an autoimmune disease and a form of arthritis that primarily affects the spine. X-Rays confirmed changes in my sacral region. AS causes inflammation of the spinal joints (vertebrae) that can lead to severe, chronic pain and discomfort. AS also causes pain and stiffness in other parts of the body (like my shoulders, arms, hands and fingers) and accounts for my drastic involuntary weight loss. There is currently no cure for AS, but there are medications available to reduce symptoms and manage pain. After round one of my insurance company not wanting to pay for these medications, we were successful with having injections of Humera approved. My understanding is these shots cost approximately $2000 each and I take one every other week. It is a biologic medication, and comes with some very scary, and very real side effects. But... I am now hopeful. I was unable to make any of the injection classes offered, but I have the medication in my fridge waiting for me to do my first injection so Im just going to go forward and give myself the first injection this evening. This is all still new to me and I have a lot to learn, but I am hopeful that this new treatment will help me get back my life. The past year and a half has been so hard. You guys know I dont complain,so lets just say its been rough. Thank you to all my friends and family who have stood by me through all of this. I really have appreciated your support. And to others who have not, specifically my former supervisor who did not support me and dismissed me unceremoniously after almost 10 years of employment, may you never have to know what a chronic back injury and living with AS is like.... The new medication may take weeks to work, but Ill update with any progress. Love to you all.
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 22:52:00 +0000

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