So tired of drama that some people love to start... I mean - TopicsExpress


So tired of drama that some people love to start... I mean seriously why cant u people realize I am not a teenager or a lil kid Im done with the drama, I mind my own buisness and dont care what ppl do or say cuz I am grown and I will NEVER give them the satisfaction of sinking as low as them. Im 25 yrs old and have 2 kids of my own to raise.. My 4 yr old daughter acts more mature than yall grow up ppl!! And really you need to get the facts straight before u open ur mouths about things that happened that you really know nothing about cuz u wasnt there!!! I have said it time and time again I dont care what u say about me or think of me I could care less I am not here to impress any one other than my husband, kids, and the lord above!! But when u go and say things about my kids that u truly know nothing about and everyone that REALLY KNOWS ME knows you are far from being right, how could u possibly know anything? We lived in Lexington 96 miles away and never spoke to each other cuz I was done surrounding myself with drama cuz it was so much peaceful without it.. NO JOKE KEEP MY KIDS OUT OF IT, YOU DO NOT KNOW ANYTHING THAT WE HAVE WENT THROUGH IN THE PAST YEAR AND 5 MONTHS AND I REFUSE TO STOOP TO UR LEVEL JUST KEEP MY KIDS OUT OF IT IM DONE HEARING THINGS U HAVE SAID ABOUT THEM IF U WANT SOMEONE TO TALK ABOUT THEN HERE I AM, HAVE FUN.. BUT MY CHILDREN DO NOT DESERVE YOUR RIDICULOUS DRAMA NOR WILL THEY EVER HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT THE LIKES OF PPL THAT HAVE NOTHING BETTER TO DO THAN CAUSE OTHER PPL PAIN. JUST CUZ THEY ARE JEALOUS THAT I HAVE TURNED INTO A WOMAN AND DIDNT TRY TO BE 25 A MOMMY WIFE AND WHATEVER YOU CALL YOURSELF I LIVE ON HAPPIENESS NOT OTHER PPLS PAIN I HAVE A HEART AND IT PUMPS BLOOD NOT ICE WATER.. And yea this is supposed to be kin that is doin these things to me and my family.. Some ppl dont believe in being family they just want everyone to be damaged as bad as them... Haha not this time Im bigger and better than that I have an amazing future with my kids to look forward to... So go ahead and try to realize Im not going to jeoperdize my future with my kids for u , I am done and yes pls dont bother me any more.. And do not mention my kids again.. Thank You HATER... AND TO MY FAMILY THOSE THAT IM NOT TALKING ABOUT I LOVE U. AND I AM VERY HAPPY TO SAY THANKS FOR KNOWING THE TRUTH FROM THE LIES AND ALSO SUPPORTING US THROUGH THIS YEAR BUT MOST OF ALL KNOWING I HAVENT AND NEVER WILL STOP FIGHTING FOR MY FAMILY.. COURT IS IN NOVEMBER AND YES MY BABIES WILL BE HOME... ONE FINAL THING THANKS FOR ALL THE SUPPORT THROUGH THIS TIME AND NOT GIVING UP KNOWING THAT I WOULD NOT STOP UNTIL I AM REUNITED WITH MY AMAZING CHILDREN!!! I WILL NEVER FORGET THE THINGS YALL HAVE DONE FOR ME... GOD BLESS YOU ALL.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 03:31:19 +0000

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