So to clear the air once and for all I am not a motivational - TopicsExpress


So to clear the air once and for all I am not a motivational speaker I am a Inspirational speaker and I do not in any way shape or form promote positive thinking. I promote thinking through love (not the hollywood love), the scientific ying-yang of which the very fibres of our beings are made out of and described by the E=Mc2 formula. Explanations is seen below by Dr. John Demartini -------------------------------------------------------------- The mainstream movement toward so-called ‘positive thinking has left millions of people worldwide with unrealistic expectations, depressed and asking questions such as ‘why cant I just stay positive all the time? The solution: Instead of expecting only one-sided ‘positive thinking it is wiser to expect more balanced thinking. This expectation is more realistic and ultimately leads to more ‘gratitude; one of the keys to a fulfilling and meaningful life. Fulfillment is therefore the result of accomplishment based upon a balanced way of thinking and more realistic expectations. My book, ‘The Gratitude Effect, explores exactly how a balanced perspective and heartfelt gratitude leads to self-awareness, personal achievement and wealth in all areas of life. The main tenet is for people to be grateful for what they are realistically able to accomplish. In doing so they will be able to give and receive much more in turn. Balance is also involved in the way we perceive others. The old saying, ‘if you can spot it, youve got it, has great application and meaning. If there is something about another person that you’re having difficulty appreciating or loving, then there is the same part in you that you are having difficulty loving too. According to John Archibald Wheeler, of Advanced Studies at Princeton New Jersey, because the universe originates from a single source, everything is connected and entangled. All of us are connected and entangled and as emphasized by Aristotle, we are all reflections of each other. We become ourselves, to the degree that we make everyone else ourselves. We develop our priorities, or values, based upon what we perceive or assume to be lacking or missing in our lives. If we think or feel that we’re lacking money, then we tend to value and seek money; if we perceive ourselves as lacking affection, then we value and seek affection; if we feel we lack friends, a nice home, or a good job, we place them higher on our value system. Whatever we most perceive as missing, we value. Then we see those that appear to have all that we feel we lack, a celebrity or a business leader, we subordinate ourselves to them and their values. Now our own true values recede into our unconscious. We are now trying to be someone else, someone we are not. Now our world is filled with ‘have tos’, ‘shoulds, and ‘ought tos - the imperatives, instead of living congruently with our true priorities. But we still have our own values deep inside, though now they are unconscious, though we’re attempting to act like somebody we are not. This raises a moral dilemma. If we are to create the reality we are meant to live, our desires must be true and congruent with our highest values. When we are true to and congruent with our highest values we become inspired from within and do not require motivation from without, nor are we as likely to be as envious and or as imitating. Our confidence grows and we awaken our inner, though often hidden, leader. In relationships, we attract into our lives the things that challenge us and that we need most. When a partners values are different, it is wise to look at how those different values still contribute to our life and how they allow us to do the things we love. Only then can we truly appreciate the one that we are with. Its about appreciating someone for who they are and discovering how their values truly serve yours. If you care enough to truly look there is a common ground. If you do not, you may end up bored or burned out and choose to move on to someone else to dance another pair of opposites with. Love involves a balance of challenge and support. When you feel more support than challenge you become infatuated. When you feel more challenge than support you become resentful. When you feel a balance of support and challenge you experience true love.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 06:13:11 +0000

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