So to fix it, to really fix it, (and by it I mean the Nation as a - TopicsExpress


So to fix it, to really fix it, (and by it I mean the Nation as a whole) the moderates of both parties need to come together and form a strong independent party based upon this platform: 1. Term limits for all three branches of the federal government, Executive, Legislative, and Judicial. 2. Campaign spending limits, to include money spent by third parties if someone outside your campaign spends a lot of money bad mouthing your opponent it counts against your spending limit. 3. Medicare for all, because the federal government shouldnt be telling you that you have to buy a product from a private industry. And health care should be a human right, not a privilege for those that can afford it. 4. Overhaul of the tax codes to remove deductions and put in place a simple tiered system of taxation. The only reason we have a complicated tax code is because rich people bribed congress members to get more deductions for the wealthy added to the tax code than deductions for poor people. 5. Pass an amendment to the constitution that requires all future military incursions be paid for by a tax increase. No more wars on a credit card. 6. Start a national conversation about buying only American made products. Patriotism means keeping Americans employed and supporting American manufacturing businesses. If we do those six things we will turn this country around.
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 14:23:53 +0000

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