So to those who might be wondering about my use of oxygen for - TopicsExpress


So to those who might be wondering about my use of oxygen for having a 2 broken bones, I also have/had a bacteria form of pneumonia. And now you ask how did you break your left leg bones? Well this past Saturday, my blood sugar bottomed out. I was able to make it to the kitchen. However, by the time I got there, I blacked out. I was basically flopping around on the floor like a fish outta water. I suspect that flopping around both DISLOCATED and BROKE the bones near the ankle. I was able to regain consciousness, eat something and down half a bottle of OJ. But ankle was so messed up, had to crawl back to my room, call 911 to send EMS. Cell phone was in my room. Docs have repaired most of the damage. But a hard cast wont be put on for another week or so. Its wrapped tight in on a splint. Ive started physical therapy with both crutches and a walker. Walker is the baby step for those crutches. Im having to work on my upper body strength right now. All ask for people to do is continue praying for me and my family. Its gonna be a long road to recovery. But I will be back to relative normalness in a few weeks to months. Just going to take time. And a special thank you to everyone who has sent me well wishes. I do appreciate it. Your kind words have made this difficult time a bit better. :)
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 19:52:47 +0000

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