So today I ALMOST, got kicked twice. Both different equines, but - TopicsExpress


So today I ALMOST, got kicked twice. Both different equines, but you know what gave me comfort? Knowing I had my helmet on. One of these kicks was inches away from my face. This gave me a wide awake call reminding me that these animals are 1500 lbs plus! Could easily kill me! Neither of these equines have ever kicked out at me before, one was in pain and the other was showing something is wrong. These equines are safe 99% of the time. Today was there 1% day. This is what I ask, why not protect yourself? I have worn my helmet 99% of the time I ride, and maybe 75% on the ground. I am not perfect, but I have gotten into the habit of wearing it while I am around equines. I understand that you might trust your animals, and they have never shown any signs of aggression. Neither did these two, and I trust both of them, still do. Equines are big and unpredictable, thats a fact, you cant argue with it. Why not put on a helmet? What if one of these amazing creatures gets scared and kick out? A broken bone can mend, but a broken skull, think again. It doesnt matter if you always ride training horses with a helmet but your own without. Something could happen. Maybe that horse is good most of the time, but the one time your friend is on and doesnt want to wear a helmet because of the fashion statement, that horse blows up, dumping them on there head. I know this has a lot of ifs, but it comes with the sport, and yes this is a sport. Why shouldnt we have safety gear? A football player does not want a head injury, and maybe they trust there teammates to protect them. They still wear helmets. Why shouldnt you? So what if a judge marks you down because you have a helmet, one if a judge does that they arent looking at the right things and at least you will know you are protected. Something can happen any day, but why not protect from those what ifs? Today I was reminded to always wear my helmet and why I do. Why shouldnt you?
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 03:01:47 +0000

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