So today I experienced one of the most humbling and inspirational - TopicsExpress


So today I experienced one of the most humbling and inspirational conversation with a stranger. I know this story may be dumb to some and you may wonder why I even bother telling it on fb, but I dont care, this man was just such a gentlemen and his outlook on life made my day. So I went into kohles after work for a few things. After shopping I go to check out and the lines were fairly long. I heard them announce over the speaker for more cashiers to come and some people in line literally snapped about time. I was fortunate enough to be first up for the new open lane, even though I was in no hurry. My cashier was an older man, Id say in his 70 or so. Right off the bat my first thought was I felt bad that he was working there, not even sure why I felt that way. He went through the general questions of how are you today, did you find everything you were looking for. I just had my head down and said yes thank you. At the end as he was slowly bagging my items he said I really like your hair, its a nice red. (For those of you who havent seen me or my pix my hair is crazy bright fake red, and I love it!) I said thank you so much, its a summer change and hey, its just hair! He looked up at me and began to tell me about how his daughter does the same thing in the summers, the latest color was supposed to be a bright blue but came out purple, and although its not my favorite you said it right, its just hair. Your not harming anyone. People are to quick to judge on your looks, and young lady you are one of the most polite young ladies to come in here, red hair or not, your hair doesnt make you who you are or make you a good or bad person, you do with your manners and personality! By this time hes been done with bagging my things and our transaction completely, and I can see people in line getting aggravated. I really wanted to turn and tell them to relax, but I didnt. I focused on thanking the man for not only being so nice and such a gentleman but for reminding me that there are good people out there, non-judgemental people, people who still value the good old fashion common courtesy. I left that store today almost in tears on how sweet this man was but how it changed my day for the better. So to that man in kohles I thank you. If more people were like you this world would be a better place!
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 00:39:28 +0000

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