So today, I had a very eye opening experience happen to me on my - TopicsExpress


So today, I had a very eye opening experience happen to me on my first shift! I young boy in a wheel chair, Id say about 14 years old, and his Mother, sat in my section! Before anything she said she needed a pitcher of warm water for her sons feeding pump. At this very moment, I was questioning in my mind, is this young gentleman okay, and wanted to know his whole story! However, I didnt proceed to ask because it is not my story to know. As they began to sit, and search through the menu, the Mom asks, Do you guys serve fried pickles here? We are cheating today because we had a bad day at the doctors office and were told some unfortunate news. I informed her that we did not serve fried pickles. She said her son cant have much fluid orally, if at all. I then asked is everything okay, with what happened at the doctors office.. not knowing it was something very painful for them both, to now be dealing with. The mom began to cry, and said it wasnt anything we wanted to hear, and we know God is with us every step of the way. Right then, I knew it had to be something awful, even Cancer. Regardless, I didnt ask any questions furthermore. I said, dont worry, Im here today to make you guys have a good experience, and will pray for you both and your family! They then ordered their food, and I stepped away from the table in tears. It truly wanted to help lift their spirits by making their experience exceptional. I went to tell my manager their story, and decided between the both of us, we wanted to surprise them with a gift of sorts. I few minutes later, I walked out with fried pickles for the boy and his Mother. They were ecstatic about it, because they were his absolute favorite! And needed comfort food for the bad news they had been given. As they finished their entire meals, I still didnt feel satisfied, and wanted to give them more. So my manager and I, bought their entire lunch for the day. I walked to the table and dropped off their check and said, Things will get better, Ill pray for you all, and you dont have any payment today. Its on us! They both began to cry, and she stood up and said Its a blessing to know their are good people out there, still in this world of ours! She embraced me with a huge hug, and said God Bless You and everything youve done for us today. Moral of the story, It felt more then incredible, to give to someone to help them when times are hard. Just to make their day special, and to try to forgot about what they are currently going through! It made me realize that although I have gone through a lot, and deal with many issues of my own, there are people out their that have it much worse! And I am so very thankful and appreciative of my life, and everyone in it! We all need a reminder sometimes, that we shouldnt take our lives for granted. We should take every minute and every second, for the here and now! Love your family, loved ones, friends etc. And spend as much time with them as possible because you never are promised a tomorrow. Live for TODAY!
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 19:45:08 +0000

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