So today I started my phone company shopping. Its amazing how fake - TopicsExpress


So today I started my phone company shopping. Its amazing how fake people are. So I went into T-Mobile today it was an interesting conversation up until he tried selling me an Android Galaxy S4. I had already told him I had an Apple household and that I was not interested in switching. It started off with him telling me his phone had a power saving mode that would make his battery last almost forever and Mine does not have an app I just turn off the Bluetooth, wifi, data and turn down my screen (thats pretty much on one screen) it does close to the same thing. Then I stated that I have a battery case that extends my power to last all day with the screen on. He then jumped on the hook this one you can change a battery and I asked if he carried an extra battery. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a battery. Before he could get a word out I said I thought that app made your cellphones battery all day..... Then he pulled open the case to expose the slot where the memory card goes and said Apple charges extra for memory and I can add more I asked how much memory he had on the chip in his phone? Then I stopped him and said better yet when is the last time you changed that card out? He told me I never have He changed subject quickly stating my camera is better than your iPhone 5 I laughed at him and said ok you are comparing a two year old phone...wait how old is your phone he stated about five months old. I asked how do you think that will be compared to the iPhone 6? Again I stopped him and said we know the answer to that and in 6 months the new Samsung will be better. Then he flips his phone to a video he took with a girl riding a horse is daylight. The video was stunning and super stable. I looked at him and said that is stunning, and that digital stabilization is great, do you know that it is clipping the video to make it look stable? He was a bit stunned that I understood that. I then asked does that lens have image stabilization like the iPhone 6 plus? He had no idea what that was... I then turned to him as I walked to the door and asked why would you try to compare two phones against each other when I was clearly not looking to change? Better yet look in your store, I am the only one shopping here and you chased me out the door instead of trying to sell me the phone I wanted even though it clearly cost more and I was willing to pay for it? Then the door closed....
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 00:19:34 +0000

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