So today I was in a car accident. The car is pretty messed up, - TopicsExpress


So today I was in a car accident. The car is pretty messed up, but Im ok. All I have is a small concussion. But just a few moments ago I started pondering about what happened to me today. And the sad truth I came up with is that I was scared more by the police showing up than the actual car accident. Before I thought to question my health I started hoping I didnt become yet another Treyvon Martin or Michael Brown, but I guess thats just the world we live in. #smh Whether we like to talk about it or not it is a fact that young black men must be taught certain precautions for how to deal with others who judge them according to their skin color. Im not saying the entire world is racist or that we must be scared of every other race, but there are those select few people that are still holding on to old, racist mindsets. And even though professional black athletes make it seem like we have superpowers, we cant read minds or predict anothers racial attitude, so we must take certain precautions in case we encounter a racist person. Again I guess its just the world we live in. #racismISNTgone #BeCarefulAndSmart #NotEveryoneIsRacist #DontJudgeAnyone
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 05:43:01 +0000

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