So today Im going to attempt to share my thoughts on something - TopicsExpress


So today Im going to attempt to share my thoughts on something long overdue. This is a very touchy topic; tears are more than welcome. There are no words in any language that I know of that do justice to the level and stature of this blessing: Ummi (I just learnt it in Arabic, mother). Think about this job, 24/7. 7 days a week, 365 days a year and no pay subhaanAllah! :p The Quran mentions the obligation to parents follows IMMEDIATELY after the servitude to God (point to note). This is repeated throughout the Quran again and again... And We have enjoined on man [to be good] to his parents: in travail upon travail did his mother bear him and his weaning was over two years. Be thankful to Me and to your parents, unto Me is the final destination. [Al-Quran 31:14] The Messenger of Allah (SAW) was travelling from Madina back to Makkah with a caravan, and on their way, all of a sudden He (SAW) instructed everyone to stop and sat down by grave at a place known as Al Abwah. He sat down there for a little while and after some time He started to cry.. He started to sob, He cried so severely that his whole body was trembling. Some of the sahaaba that were there, seeing Him cry so badly, they began to cry as well, just out of their love for the Holy Messenger (SAW). After some time, when the Prophet (SAW) contained himself, the sahaaba asked: What made you cry like this O Messenger of Allah? And He said: This is the grave of my mother, and coming here reminds me of her, and I miss my mom, thats why I cried. Now.. I want you to think about this. The Messenger of Allah (SAW) lost his mother when he was just 6 years old. And I want you to think now, He is a grown man, the leader of cities! The leader of the Ummah! The leader of mankind! With his own grandchildren! He is the Messenger of Allah SWT!!! And yet.. the thought of his mothers love overtook him. I saved the best for last, this incident took place more than 50 years after His mother had passed away.. 50 YEARS LATER! SubhaanAllah! SubhaanAllah! SubhaanAllah! Such is the love that the Prophet (SAW) has displayed, and it is a lesson for ALL of mankind! This following Ahadith really touched me as well, did you know that your mother has more rights over you than your father? No wonder we will be raised on the last day by our mothers names! The Holy prophet SAW was approached by a man who said: O Messenger of Allah! Who from amongst mankind warrants the best companionship from me? He replied: Your mother. The man asked: Then who? So he replied: Your mother. The man then asked: Then who? So the Prophet replied again: Your mother. The man then asked: Then who? So he replied: Then your father. (Sahîh Bukhârî 5971 and Sahîh Muslim 7/2) There are many Ahadith which follow the same topic. As Muslims, we HAVE to realize the position a mother has been granted by Allah (SWT). This next part, Ill be typing with a lump in my throat. For it is both tragic and unbelievably true. During my study of Yaumul Qiyamah (the last day), I came across one of the signs that would predict the day of reckoning. I read: The Messenger of Allah said: The last hour will not be established, until the slave girl gives birth to her master.. I have to admit, I had no idea what this meant. So as any other curious personality would do, I began to study. My findings made my cry my heart out.. out of pure shame. This sign, it indicates that there will come a time that there will be so much disobedience to the the parents that the relationships between mothers and children will become like those of a master and slave.. And may Allah have mercy on us, but have they not? How many times have we in our arrogance and anger said and done hurtful things to the one that gave us birth? YaAllah :( One of my last findings were again based off study of the Quran. Notice how Allah commands that the children must take care of the parents, again and again? But how there is little to no mention of the parents taking care of the children? May Allah forgive me if I am wrong, but to me it is an indication of our innate behavior as human beings. As parents, the majority of us are instinctively programmed to raise our kids selflessly. The sadness of the reality is, this love was never promised vice versa. Look around you, these death centers disguised under the name old age homes, they are packed with parents, the same parents who raised, nurtured and taught these heartless children everything they know today. Ive met old men and women with PhDs! Smart, capable, loving individuals, who even after have had such a great level of injustice happen to them, yearn for one thing. To see these same children. The same ones who left them there... Sigh, it is unfortunate for these parents to have such a sad end. But shall I tell you of a person who is even more unfortunate? One day, when the Prophet (SAW) was giving the Friday Khuttba, he climbed up the pulpit. His pulpit had three steps to it, and when He climbed the first step He said aloud: Ameen Then he climbed the second step, and he said Ameen. Then the third, and again Ameen. So the companions were confused and they said: O Messenger of Allah; we have never seen you say Ameen everythime you climb up the pulpit; this is the first time we heard you say Ameen like this. What was the reason for this? The Prophet (SAW) said: When I was climbing up the pulpit, Jibril came to me and told me: O Muhammad (SAW); anyone in your nation who manages to be alive when Ramadhaan comes and yet does not get his sins forgiven; then may he perish in the fire of hell; say Ameen! Then on the second step O Muhammad (SAW); anyone in your nation who manages to catch Laylatul Qadr and does not get his sins forgiven; then may he perish in the fire of hell; say Ameen! And on the third step O Muhammad (SAW); anyone in your nation who manages to catch his parents; one of them, or both, when they are elderly and they need his help, and he is not able to service them properly and does not get his sins forgiven; then may he perish in the fire of hell; say Ameen! Weve all grown up hearing the phrase that Jannah is at our mothers feet, BY ALLAH I TESTIFY! AND I BEG ALL MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS READING THIS TO RESHAPE YOUR RELATIONSHIPS WITH YOUR MOTHERS FOR THEY ARE NOT JUST YOUR PATH TO JANNAH, BUT THEY ARE YOUR ONLY JANNAH IN THIS WORLD! This nasheed Verily, you are an Angel is dedicated to all the mothers of the world, those who have passed and those who are with us. May Allah SWT unite us ALL in the Akhiraah! JazaakAllah for your time!
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 07:02:45 +0000

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