So today gill inadvertantly decided it was time to get daddy pig - TopicsExpress


So today gill inadvertantly decided it was time to get daddy pig fit by leaving rowans car seat in her car. Conveniently shed bought me a lovely new bike back in april which tbh ive not really had much time to use with rowan (theres a bike child seat on the back). Gill also conveniently mentioned yesterday evening that apart from sone wind it looked like it would be a lovely day on monday. Left with no alternatives i had to use the bike to take rowan to nursery - a journey of about 4 miles or roughly 7 minutes in the car... now im not unfit by any stretch but OH MY GOD! We started off okay. The drive is flat. Rowan loved it shouting mummy got rowee car seat! The bit to plean was downhill. Decided to short cut through plean country park. My bike is a hybrid nountain road bike so not the most chunky if tyres so got a tad bone shaken. Had to stop half way in to let the BURN in my legs pass. Thought ill head up to the top gate whuch has a nice downhill bit only to find the gate locked! Buggered if im gonna go back so decide to remove rowan who thought it was hilarious and drag bike over the shallow wall. Child remounted and burn number two quenched we set off to tackle that hill just before nursery. they say labour is painful. THATS NOTHING COMPARED TO THE PAIN IN MY THIGHS AND CALVES. pit stop number three halfway up pain hill. Towan shouting daddy nursery mon mon we get a last minute burst of enerhy and get there 35 minutes later. Dismount rowan and with sweat in every orifice and feelingblike im gonba vom rowan promptly says nursery. HOME!!! And throws a wobbler! After experiencing an alarming spinny head rush and five minutes later i set off home which thankfully is 95% downhill. Make it back faster tgan i coukd of driven it lol!!!
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 09:29:37 +0000

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