So, today has gone pretty well so far. The rhythm of the day - TopicsExpress


So, today has gone pretty well so far. The rhythm of the day actually started in the middle of the night when I couldnt decide whether or not I should get up at 5:30 to go to WalMart. Looking back I shouldve. I miraculously got Micah & Ali up on time. Holla! And then Ty, aka Blank Stare 13 year old, who forgot to do his homework last night had a 30 minute math lesson from Brett. As you all know I have issues surrounding lunches. So, of course since I have been sick I havent gone grocery shopping. I pinky promised the kids I would drop off lunches at school. Then I remembered I had to drop the dogs off at the groomers. Buddy is terrified of the car & kept leaping frantically onto me & into my coffee which is now all over the car. I got them dropped off & went back to the task of lunches. The Publix trip was uneventful until I remembered that I cant find my debit card. So I had to use my Gap Visa...who even has those anymore? I do bc I dont have other cards. So then I decided I needed to get a phone case that holds my debit card...its the only way I can keep up with it. I waited for PeachMac to open & of course they didnt have any. So then I remembered I still needed to assemble the contents of lunch boxes. But then it occurred to me that I didnt have mayo for Tys sandwich so I went to CFA to get a mayo packet. Then I felt weird about going in to get a mayo packet so decided to order breakfast even though I already ate. I also washed the kids baggies of cherries in the bathroom bc that is totally normal. Then I felt obligated to eat the breakfast so I wasnt wasteful but started gagging bc I really wasnt hungry. By 11 I finally dropped off the lunches. I feel like I am the mouse in the book If you give a mouse a cookie or whatever the heck that stupid thing is called. I think I needSanta to bring me Calgon, or Christmas break, or a vacation, or a brain transplant, or my Mom. Someone send Kathy Nichols-Newell ASAP! Pray for me yall...pray for me. Carry on.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 16:18:46 +0000

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