So today is exactly 5 months on from my diagnoses. Its also time - TopicsExpress


So today is exactly 5 months on from my diagnoses. Its also time for chemotherapy session number 4 today at 11.30 and my first session of FEC, this means I could have different side affects. On August the 13th 2014 I got the dreaded news at 27 thats I had stage 3 aggressive breast cancer. In those 5 months my whole life has been turned upside down, its been an emotional roller coaster. I believe I have been through more than most people while Ive been on this journey, with having to move out of my home, im off work long term sick and I have had a lack of support from my employer that nobody deserves. After working at that business for nearly three years Im not worthy of a phone call or visit to see how I am. My relationship with my partner has ended at the most difficult time in my life and my body image has changed for the foreseeable future. I am living at home with my parents, I have no car, Im off work long term sick, Im on basic statutory sick pay and I have had all these added unnecessary problems to deal with causing stress and upset. All I can say is I couldnt of got this far without the support of my amazing family, friends, clients and complete strangers Ive met on the way who have now become life time friends. Also the support and care I receive from the Macmillan staff is outstanding and I cant thank them enough. Right lets do this chemotherapy here I come 💗 Ive got this 💗
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 08:25:34 +0000

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