So today we went to see the Hunter and the kennel with dogs. - TopicsExpress


So today we went to see the Hunter and the kennel with dogs. Isabel managed to track him down, phone him and he agreed after a 45 minute conversation its in his interest to meet us. This decision was taken after speaking to him and the municipal vet. At 4pm 5 of us went to see him. You have a building with 50 plus dogs owned by several hunters that use this place as storage for their dogs. Three quarters of the property is fenced, one side is not. On that side as well as all corners of the plot, as well as the front there are 10 dogs on chains to protect the property, to bark and stop intruders. They are good lickers even though some of them look pretty hard. The hunter made a good job of cleaning up the place before we arrived, provided fresh water to all the dogs, which was not available for the last several days. Before the meet over the last few days pictures were taken in case dogs disappeared. Isabel told in too change the collars on certain dogs as they are rubbing the neck, to make sure fresh water is available as we saw today given to the dogs every day plus food. He also agreed to take 3 dogs to the vet of our choice over the coming days as they have several problems. To get to the kennels you need to go through all the dogs at the back, then enter the main kennel. At the door is 60 Kilo plus Argentino Dog, looks like a monster, barks like Harley bike and licks you to death. Very friendly once you are up to him, he has several tumours on his skin, he is off to the vet and then he has agreed to operate if the vet advices. The big thing we wanted is the fence re-erected, the dogs outside of the fence to be taken into the main plot. Then we want these dogs to run around loose on the plot, if the idea is to keep intruders away it works for him. Plus, a gated area where the hunting dogs can chill out and be taken in at night. He has agreed to everything, if not Isabel told him we are bringing the municipal vet, journalists and a film crew. He didnt like that idea. The fines alone would bankrupt him, we know it, he knows it. He has 2 weeks to do what he must, if not no more talking. To be fair to the hunter he seemed very keen to get things right, was not quite understanding what the law is and what he is required to do. The dogs in the main kennel seemed in good shape apart from a few, he let out around 10 dogs to run around to show us what he does, called them back in and says he does this everyday as well. They listened to him so maybe not every day but maybe every 3 or 4 days. Outside the plot there has been a female dog running around, we asked the question and his answer was people round here lay meat with poison to kill my dogs when I let them out to run outside the plot, this dog will let me know if there is poison (as it will be DEAD) as I have lost dogs this way in the past What do you do, look after the dogs inside and tell him to put this dog inside the plot, so now he cant let the rest out. We didnt take it further but we need to resolve this. Here are a few pictures of some of the dogs.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 20:00:52 +0000

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