So tomorrow will be the three week mark. It is hard to believe - TopicsExpress


So tomorrow will be the three week mark. It is hard to believe that Morgan has been gone for three weeks already. We have all returned to work and Jacob is at the Marine Boot Camp. I was glad to go back to work. Its good to be around other people and keep busy. I have started going to jazzercise again and Kelsey has even joined me a few times. Jerry went back to work Friday afternoon. Friday night was Reagans first basketball game at Seaman so Kelsey and I went to watch her. After the game I went to Reeds with Michelle, Brian and Jennifer. Saturday I finished putting up Christmas decorations and cleaned. A few people came over to watch the KState game with me Saturday night. Sunday Jerry was home and we went to church and hung out at home. He has been building a doghouse for the dogs to stay in while we are at work all day so spent most of Sunday working on this. I have been busy in the evenings trying to write thank you notes and figure out what Im buying people for Christmas. It is so quiet around her without Morgan and without Jacob coming and going. Im sure Jerry and Kelsey think Im crazy because I will go turn Morgans TV on just to have some noise coming from her room. She always had her TV on and was really looking forward to the 25 days of Christmas movies on ABC family. I just tell them Morgan is watching it. I am so glad for modern technology and Morgans cell phone. She took tons of selfies and has lots of 12 sec videos for us to watch. It is so good to be able to see her face and hear her voice. We miss her so much but know she is ok. She had said she would send us signs and try to come see us in our dreams. I dreamed of her Sunday morning and woke up feeling very happy because I had just dreamed of Morgan and she was on a cruise ship laying on a beach chair with the sun shining down on her and she was telling me she was getting ready to go for a massage. She was happy and finally getting that sun she was always looking for. Caden is still looking for her but is getting used to only finding her in a computer. He does still go in her room and put his hand up like where is she. Hope is doing ok. She does a lot of laying around and seems sad. Im sure she misses having someone get down on the floor and roll around with her. I pet her but I dont roll around with her. Im sure both she and Kaiser wonder whats happened here. We just got our first generic letter from Jacob. We now have an address to mail him letters to keep his moral up. He did call me on Friday. Of course I missed his call but he left a message. He said he was headed to training and he would see us in February. He said he loved me and not to forget to book him a flight home on the 27th. He also called Jerry and actually talked to him. Im sure he is having a blast. He was so looking forward to this that I know hes having fun even if it is hard work. Kelsey is doing ok. She is trying to get her wisdom teeth removal scheduled. She was supposed to have them out the same day Morgan died. Hopefully she will get this done soon. Thats all for now. Thanks for the continued prayers.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 02:53:05 +0000

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