So tonight, I quietly crept upstairs to check on Addyson after I - TopicsExpress


So tonight, I quietly crept upstairs to check on Addyson after I got home from work. As I glanced into her room, I could see that she was moving. I walked in, saw that she was tossing a little and rubbing her eyes, and that she kicked the covers off herself. As I slowly walked towards her and began to bring the cover back over her, she barely cracked her eyes open, gave me the biggest smile, and rolled onto her side while grabbing my hand. She then pulled my hand around her little body and up to her face where she nudged her cheek against the side of my hand until it was just right, wrapped her little fingers around my thumb, and began to drift back off to sleep. I sat there, down on both knees, with my back slightly twisted and uncomfortable, I kissed her check and then laid my head against the back of hers. Although I felt a cramp in my back, I laid there and realized that there was absolutely no other place on this earth that I was meant to be at, other than right there, with her, at that very moment. There is no greater love than the feeling you get when your child not only needs you; but that your mere presence alone is enough to comfort them and make them feel safe and happy. And all of this was done without the first word having to be exchanged between us. See, what I was reminded of tonight is that WORDS are nothing without actions backing them up. Sure they make us feel good for a moment, they are easy to say, but in the long run… it is what we DO that is remembered. That’s just my opinion, take it or leave it. But the one thing I know is that I have a little girl that slept a little bit better tonight because I took an extra few minutes to cuddle. And that makes me a very lucky man.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 04:38:03 +0000

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