So tonight at the Joshua graduation ceremony the validictorian was - TopicsExpress


So tonight at the Joshua graduation ceremony the validictorian was giving his speech and when he got to the part where he was speeking of God and how God was responcible for the graduates being there they shut his microphone off. What is wrong with these people? They worry to much about offending people who dont believe. I and what seems like everyone around me were very offended. I got to give the young man credit, He stood there and proudly finished his speech even though the audience could not here him. After his speech he recieved a standing ovation from the whole stadium. God bless you sir and the rest of the class of 2013. To whatever cowardly school administrator decided to cut of the mic SHAME ON YOU.
Posted on: Fri, 07 Jun 2013 05:45:01 +0000

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