So tonight, there was a lot of talk about real brave love vs - TopicsExpress


So tonight, there was a lot of talk about real brave love vs comfort relationship. This is from a speech I wrote at age 13 (some updates about 3 years ago but overall, my 13 year old self had a pretty clear message about what makes for true love): In a world where a roaming, nomadic life affects all aspects of our identity, including how we fall in love, these are the things that separate us: There are girls who are greeting cards and limericks.. There are girls who are catch phrases, some even a short story. But I, I am not these girls. I am a legend, an epic tale of singular proportions. I will put that towards anyone I choose to tell a story of love with because I believe that this transforms both people. It lets them soar to heights that you cant get when 2 hearts are divided up between the attentions and affections of other casual attraction. I think if you want to feel the pure elixir of love, you dont divide it between 40 just ok people and feel tipsy.. you choose one person thats mind-blowing and you go and get fully drunk, wasted on each other. This is the thing that separates the common girl and guy from the extraordinary... and while its easy to get distracted in a pretty town with pretty people, there is nothing that can touch the purity of being selective about who you give your elixir to. you can treat love like a temple or a town pump... and if youve only experienced a scattered kind of love without diving in full feet and full soul, then there are no words I can use to describe the difference in that feeling. I can tell you it is the thing that dreams aspire to be. The things that daydreams dream of. Yes, you risk yourself, you dive in, you can think you might drown .. And yes you might fall deeper and harder than you thought possible. And yes its scary. But it is supposed to be. Its a legend.. this is why a legend should take more time than your average abbreviated version. This is about yearning. Defiance of what might seem like challenge, dismissal of the obvious loopholes of chemistry and logistics. Where the reward is something so beautiful and elevated that you feel like you are walking, kissing and living in an epic state of being, a thing that cinema chases to capture .... not a pure romance, not a pure action, a fairytale or a drama... but a combination of all the things that make us feel alive as humans. I believe once you stop being scared of this level of greatness in love, then you will be ready for someone like me. Im not a diluted version of anyone you have ever met before and anything youve ever done in love, I can promise you that. You will never feel the same way if you rise up to meet me in the middle. Because I do not come along every few weeks or months, or even years.. and I do not open this door for just anyone. Feeling like home should be reserved only for the thing which comforts you at your worst and challenges you at your best; if we are that to each other, we have found the singularly most important person that could ever come across our path. And every moment wasted with someone who doesnt do that for you on every level is not only keeping you from finding your real match, but them from finding theirs. I would happily walk a lone wolf, untouchable to the temporary distractions of the every person, explore the world and see it without some kind of character-inhibiting relationship...until I meet the person who is my match. And that is what makes a decision to create this a transformative moment. that way when you do meet the person who is on your level, capable of being a legend with you, you can give yourself to them. If not for me, ask yourself why you only deal in doses... For your self, there is no bigger statement of self worth or confidence than to acknowledge your own magnitude and to uphold a level of passion to bring that into your life and treasure it when you find someone that mirrors that. To walk away from the things which are mediocre, to know when a friendship is the destiny, not the illusion. To believe that you are a light of the suns magnitude in close up, not just the conceptual twinkle of a distant star among thousands. - DW
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 08:44:49 +0000

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