So tonights philosophical musing goes out to all the pastors who - TopicsExpress


So tonights philosophical musing goes out to all the pastors who have taught lessons and wondered if anyone was actually paying attention. Today I was at work and during our devotion time this morning I kind of zoned out while our guest was talking. I quickly came back to reality but then zoned out again as I started reminiscing about all the many times I have zoned out over the years whilst attempting to listen to sermons in church. (Pastors please bear with me on this) It might have something to do with my ADHD, but I think about a lot of things and probably have a rather over active imagination for a guy thats nearly 30. For a little while I was thinking about how awesome it would be to have a ministry helicopter but then I started thinking about not listening to so many sermons throughout my life. Even when my dad preaches, he starts off with a joke so incredibly corny that you have to laugh and keep listening for the next awful one liner, but sooner or later even then I find myself deep in the recesses of my mind wielding a lightsaber or taking a snap under center on 4th down in the Superbowl. But today my mind drifted off to St Matthew Lutheran Church in Columbia Heights, MN where I did my outreach field work in spring of 2005 and one Pastor Bill Hugo taught a sermon about the Parable of the Sower. For some reason I actually listened to that one all the way through. I had never thought about that story directing us to prepare the soil, or how to treat others so as to prepare them to receive the word of God. That one sermon made a huge impact on me, in some ways more so than even many of my college courses. (Thanks a bajillion Bill!) Crossing Cambodia, the ministry which I started with Sokly Chea, is based on that same lesson I heard from Pastor Hugo. Of course Ive added a few tweaks here and there, but if I had not listened to a whole sermon some 9 years ago I probably wouldnt be doing what I do now. So pastors, keep preaching your sermons. Boring, exciting, comedic, offensive, and everything else. Because even when you might wonder if anyone is paying attention, there might just be one person there who is hearing exactly what God wants them to hear right as you are speaking it.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 13:56:59 +0000

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