So, uh..... Gravity huh? I just recently got this movie on - TopicsExpress


So, uh..... Gravity huh? I just recently got this movie on Blu-Ray to watch. Looking really forward to it I sat down with Jaguar Quinn and a bottle of Red Cola. *SPOILERS* *HUGE SPOILERS* I watched with anticipation as George Clooney did his usual thing of being the kewl and collected dude in a movie, much like he does in most of his movies. I dont fault him for that, he was, after all, the only good thing about Batman & Robin. Sandra Bullock, who I genuinely like in her movies that I have seen, this including, Demolition Man, Miss Congeniality and others, was rather annoying and also very dry in her interpretation of the story. I would like to point out, this is my own opinion. From the start of the movie I really hated her character and didnt give two hoots if she died or not. Georges character for that matter, he was kewl, you always want those dudes to live, right? So, hows the story go? Two people get stranded in space after lots of space rubble, from a Russian mission going wrong (what a surprise, thank you American feel good movies :/ ) and destroying ALL Satellites (for some reason they all seem to be in the same orbit as each other), and destroys their ship. Thus these two characters (George and Sandras) have to hop-scotch through space to the ISS (The International Space Station) to get back to earth. Sounds alright as a B movie huh? And believe me if this movie didnt have Sandra or George in there thats exactly what it would have been. Anyhoo I saw the first flaw in their plan, from what I understood, the rubble that hit their ship in the first place, came from the opposite direction that the ISS was in, therefor shouldnt the ISS have been hit by the space rubble and totally obliterated that too? Yeah, think again. Just for plot and for no sense at all, the ISS had minor dents and scratches compared to what their original ship had. A Tin Can of a Space Station survived better than a Space Ship that is not only smaller than the Space Station, which surely would have missed more of the debris, but also slightly more hardy than the Space Station. Anyhoo, lets get away from that thought as there were many and more moments like that in the movie. Lets talk about the AmAzInG acting..... -_- Thats what I think of the acting. As I said, George was being George, Sandra on the other hand was so dry with her acting it hurt. It felt as though she was reading from a script and putting no feeling or emotion into it. She was just going through the motions. When watching the movie her make-up didnt help as it made her look rosy cheeked with a white face and to be honest her expressions seemed as if she was bored by what she was acting and doing. I like Sandra Bullock, I dont like her in this movie at all. I dont think it does her any favours. Have you seen Tropic Thunder? Do you remember the line that Robert Downey Jr. says to Ben Stiller? Kirk Lazarus: Everybody knows you never go full retard. For everyone thats seen this movie all I can say is, WOOF. I did watch this movie to the end, only just, and after Jaguar Quinn begged me to fast forward the movie at least ten minuets. I didnt I held my ground, I wish I hadnt. I am sorry Jaguar. The end; what can I say? It reminded me of a movie about Eve, as in Adam and Eve, the bible etc. I was not impressed. It also reminded me of Planet of the Apes, the original movies. Human lands in a lake, gets out after nearly drowning and looks about a bit. This time it wasnt the all star Charlton Heston. *facepalm* There are no word to describe how much this movie was a disappointment. Was there any good bits? Yes. Oh right, you want to know what they were? Ok, so here it goes. The visual effects were pretty, some of the space scenes were, lets be honest, it was all space, really kewl. The long shots of the space ship and the ISS were fab and the destruction of them looked great. But alas there were to many silly bits in between that made those AwEsOmE shots pointless or over-shadowed. The music. The soundtrack. I loved it. I would actually buy it I liked it so much. The music fit in well with the movie and without this soundtrack this movie would be totally unbearable. The soundtrack was the best bit about the movie. Actually, the only bit I really liked about the movie. :/ Ok, ill stop there, although I could complain about this movie for a lot longer. Especially about; why so many nominations? Im pretty sure I saw a different movie than the reviewers, if you can call them that, had seen. I wont watch this movie again. It has nothing new to see in it for a second viewing. Its not an intelligent movie and not realistic. *shakes head* I want that 91 minuets of my life back! -Fireclown
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 09:40:33 +0000

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