So very true, so very articulate! WHY can we NOT have INTELLIGENT - TopicsExpress


So very true, so very articulate! WHY can we NOT have INTELLIGENT people in government? We are unable to attract our best and brightest, in large part, because of the Tea Party lunatics, and their half-baked allies, the self-described Christians (meaning they do NOT meet the criteria for membership, but insist on running the club) and mental midgets who are AFRAID of their God, rather than UPLIFTED and ennobled by the message and the Spirit that derives from it. These are people who think satori, or the essence of the Godhead, is achieved without bothering to heed those parts they don‘t agree with or don‘t comprehend! They believe obedience and observance as rituals is all they need do, like the proverbial once-a-year penitent, who shows up on Christmas, expecting to be admitted to Heaven, when he presents himself at the Pearly Gates. Jesus said, “Always pray in private” and they take to the street corners, haranguing one and all as “Godless” or “sinners”, when in fact, we are all sinners, and simply reciting the words will not change that. I feel sorry for these lost souls, who see evil in everyone else, but cannot identify it in themselves. I do this in a clinical way, removed from the immediacy, but close enough to be reminded, with each new abuse. I mourn for my country, even more, though, because these idiots infect others around them, others who are not as strong-willed as it takes to stand up to someone cruising in with all sails spread, ready to kick a** and take names. Thus, they spread their message of misery the same way Adolf Hitler mesmerized a nation--by playing on the fears and anger of those like themselves, who have also marginalized their lives, as if it werent because of THEIR choices, decisions and choices which backfired on them at every turn. It’s easy, and pleasant, to blame all their problems on a world run by their enemies, people who “tricked” and “cheated” them, and “kept“ them from achieving their “true“ potential and assuming their “proper“ place in the world. Give any orator, no matter how mediocre his speaking voice or debating skills, such a subtext, and he, or she, will deliver the votes necessary to enslave the people voting for it! And that, simply, is what they have done, sold themselves out, to a group of snake-oil salesmen and hucksters (is it any surprise that one of them is NAMED “Huckabee”?), whose REAL goal was, and is, to enslave them, their families, their friends, and everyone else they can, economically, for their own betterment. You couldn’t distill a cupful of humanitarianism, or “public interest” among the lot of them, the pols, in the worst sense of the word, of the “Tea” Party. Their ONLY care is what best profits them, nothing more. Its the same old siren song despots have used for millennia, to sway the dimmest bulbs to lend their weight and strength to ugly pursuits, to launch another pogrom, another crusade, another Final Solution, and cause others to suffer, so a few can live in splendor they did not earn or deserve. One even said so, in the days following the resolution of the crisis they’d concocted. The sad fact of the matter is, that IF the ‘baggers had lived during the time of this country’s founding, THEY would NOT have come up with ANYTHING as GRAND as the Constitution. They might well have NOT even bothered, to do the heavy lifting and hard work necessary to create this country, at all, but would have, instead, simply sold us out, to England, or whomever was the HIGHEST bidder. Easier all the way around, and they could have lived lives of comfort, at the expense of everyone to come, without a shadow of concern every crossing their brow. That said, this clip from Newsroom, written by Aaron Sorkin, is the finest reasoning on the topic, available. It is worth the watching, and worth giving thought to the points Will (Jeff Daniels character) raises. The opening 12 minutes of the 1st episode was a treasure of why we ridicule some of the pinheads of the Tea Party, and the loyal opposition, for he quickly, and pertinently, pricks the bubbles of the faux-patriots favorite phrases and fantasies, summing the condition we are facing in the fewest, pithiest words. This is just as good. If you havent been watching this program, you should be, because it is spot on, about the politics and the shenanigans!
Posted on: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 02:04:40 +0000

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