So we begin another year, two thousand and fifteen years after the - TopicsExpress


So we begin another year, two thousand and fifteen years after the birth of an individual on whom we and Western Europe, came to base our entire social structure, and we called it Christianity. This will be a momentous, even pivotal year in this nation’s history, and we must not underestimate the responsibility that rests on us individually, to make decisions that will determine our very survival, or imminent demise. . It is General Election year, and arguably the most important one since the establishment of Parliamentary rule, here in these islands . We should reflect, that in all of the nine hundred and forty nine years that have elapsed, since William of Normandy defeated Harold II at Hastings, these islands have remained : sovereign, independent, secure, and commercially and militarily strong. The Hundred Years War against the French was contested on continental soil, as were the wars that we fought under Marlborough in the early eighteenth century, and Wellington against Napoleon a hundred years later, and apart from a few minor incursions, our coast line has never been seriously threatened, because we had ample naval power to deter invaders. A hundred years ago, the Great War ( our war with the Kaiser’s Germany ) was fought primarily in Northern France, and in 1939 a renewed conflict in the form of World War Two, saw all Europe as a battleground, but our island remained ours, intact and sovereign. So, who could have foreseen, that the most destructive force ever to confront us and our homeland would be not an armed invader, but a band of effete elected British politicians ?. Their conspiracy, which later evolved into a sophisticated plot to deceive the electorate into agreeing to join the Common Market, centered on Prime Minister Edward Heath, and a small inner circle dedicated to misleading us into relinquishing control of our nation. No means of achieving this ( however devious ) was left unexplored or unutilised, until they were confident of success. Press and broadcast media, and several intelligence services played a vital part, and the selling techniques would have done credit to a Mid West snake oil salesman. Currently, our police are conducting an investigation into allegations that in recent years Westminster has been home to more than one pedophile ring, but even greater priority needs to be given to revealing the events of the early 1970s, when treason stalked our corridors of power, and : The Lords, Head of State and Judiciary looked the other way. In May the electorate will speak.
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 16:58:22 +0000

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