So we got a proposal today from a fellow wanting to build bikes - TopicsExpress


So we got a proposal today from a fellow wanting to build bikes for Dohertys Gym. I was excited and thought he was talking about choppers, so continued to read on. He was actually talking about pushbikes and used the fine model pictured, that he built for Fitness First. He mentioned that, to quote I see Doherty’s Gym as a perfect alignment with our brands culture. The following was the fine response from Alastair, who not only understands our culture, but lives and breathes it. Hi _______, Thank you for taking the time to make this proposal. I can see your approach is professional and eye catching however I dont understand how you see your product as being perfectly aligned with our brands culture. Firstly I can only assume with such a statement that you obviously havent taken the time to understand ours. We are not hipsters. We do not have beards, satchels, jeans with elastic at the bottom and we certainly do not ride fixies. We unapologetically misuse and abuse motorcycles. We are unashamedly grossly wasteful of petrol, rubber and oil and undoubtedly account largely towards the degradation of the ozone layer. We even self harm by inhaling the fumes from burned rubber when doing a burnout. We would seriously consider building a custom chopper to compliment the other 5 company branded motorcycles we own (not lease) so if your company ever diversifies into the chopper market then by all means send through another proposal. Lastly, so that we can make a positive from this communication, I would like to offer you a no obligation one month free membership at our gym in an effort to make you guilt free going in to Christmas. And while Im on the point of Christmas, all of our gyms are open, we never close. This is because the typical Dohertys Gym member cannot go a day without lifting or pushing the iron. Its a mental illness that we all have in common and thats the basis of who we are. Our members dont train to get in shape, or because its a passing trend (like being a hipster and eating kale). Have a merry Christmas and I hope to see you down the gym one day. Kind regards, Dohertys Gym. #unsolicitedemail #todaysrant #sylg #fff
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 10:04:09 +0000

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