So we had more than 24 hours on land and 2 good night sleep - TopicsExpress


So we had more than 24 hours on land and 2 good night sleep without movement ;-). Now is a good time to reflect a little about the hidden part of our adventure => the sail! The next two movies are longer than usual however they provide a good look into what the brave crew of Karen and Zahava had to endure during this cruise. We had the roughest 24 hours of our cruise as we made a choice to leave Rodos before a storm and get to Israel ASAP. In retrospect the whole crew agreed that it was the right choice as we would have to endure the same time on anchor with rough seas and still have 3 days of sailing to contend with after the storm. (The 2nd movie will be loaded shortly.) The first movie is not for the faint at heart; the movements are violent and might make the viewer seasick! However it is a must view for anyone thinking of joining a cruising sailing yacht for long term sailing. It starts about 10 hours after we left Rodos. The strong part of the storm is behind us and we are basically running away to an area where the storm will not be felt so hard. Still there is enough “punch” in that see for a long time to make your life difficult as the big waves hit Aliza… The second movie is just showing how the conditions can change form very rough to complete calm and back to nice sailing weather. Please let us know what you think now about sailing adventures and tell our two female crew who had their first long term sailing adventure how much you (and us, Steve and me) appreciate their strong spirit and determination. They earned their cruising sailor title with honor!!!
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 06:12:15 +0000

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