So we had our group’s poker run yesterday. The ride was good. - TopicsExpress


So we had our group’s poker run yesterday. The ride was good. Five stops to veteran’s memorials and the end at Pop n Tops for BBQ. We left out from my place to the start point it was nice and warm and only going to get warmer. We get to the start there was a large crowed and the promise of more to come. The three of us had headed out as soon as we could. The first two stop went by quick. The third was a little different and we had a causality. The causality was a prairie dog a true nature speed bump. We come up to a turn that said 30mph well we were going a little faster than that. But we got our speed down and rolled through it going through twist and turns and trying to get gimps of the views. The three of us spread out in a line to use the whole road. That’s when I catch a glimpse of a Shriner ass clown trying to rid beside me. There was a group of them and for some reason they wanted to try to overtake us. Well I made them mad and educated them on not doing that. When we finally got to that point it started to rain and I think hail. So when we got out of the mountains we stopped for coffee and head to the last location. Now I got to clean the bike up.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Jun 2013 13:32:21 +0000

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