So we just stopped at Subway in a small town in Southern Utah, and - TopicsExpress


So we just stopped at Subway in a small town in Southern Utah, and I couldnt help but think ..... >>> Why hasnt anyone duplicated what Jared the subway guy did 15 years ago? . One guy loses a lot of weight eating Subway sandwiches, and his face can be found in EVERY Subway franchise across the United States. But you dont see anyone else mentioned in their fresh fit campaign. . I just find it interesting. I can go to a small town quarterly meeting for Beachbody and find a PLETHORA of people who have lost SIGNIFICANT weight following the Beachbody program. Doesnt matter where I go- I am constantly meeting people who have had KILLER transformations, people who have reversed illnesses, people who have gone off their medications, people who have turned their LIFE around thanks to the Beachbody community. . You dont see one face plastered in every single marketing campaign out there. We dont have the SAME people getting up at Beachbody events sharing their weight loss stories from 15 years ago. Youll find people who have lost 100+ lbs sitting in the back of the room like its no big deal!! . And its not that we dont highlight those transformations. I love that Beachbody is ALL about the stories. But theres just SO MANY of them!!! We dont have just ONE Jared whos life has been changed. We have THOUSANDS. If you havent seen my photo album of Beachbody transformations- go check them out and see for yourself! Its only a small collection of transformations, but youll see some amazing stories in there. . And I get it- its a fast food restaurant. And were a health and fitness company. I cant compare the two. But it was just a good little reminder to me how INCREDIBLE this company is that Im a part of. . Its the ONLY company Ive seen that has the complete package. The fitness programs. The nutrition plans and supplements. And the support and accountability. . I see a lot of supplement companies come and go, or companies who offer a protein shake along with their laundry soap and makeup line. Which Ive always found quite comical. Lol. And then theres the companies where a bunch of business men sat around a conference table to create a business structure, and THEN went out to find a product they can push. Their focus is the MONEY, and thats all you hear them talk about. . Beachbody is first and foremost focused on the incredible products we have to offer. And thats because they WORK. We have the complete package that THOUSANDS of people are using to change their lives. . This company is unlike ANY other. Makes me PROUD to be a Beachbody coach. :)
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 02:19:30 +0000

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