So we lost our power the night of the storm. We knew it was - TopicsExpress


So we lost our power the night of the storm. We knew it was coming; it was just a matter of when. Ron had stocked us up with more batteries than Ive ever seen. We had no generator, though, but we had tons of bottled water and canned soup. We were afraid of the kids sleeping in the upstairs bedrooms because we didnt know if our big tree would hit the house. For two nights we played Monopoly by candle light. It was fun....the first night. Running to my car and charging my phone was the norm. The next day I got in my van and never could imagine seeing how many trees were utterly ripped from their roots and laying all over the Trees, trees, trees. News started trickling in that Seaside was gone. What? How can Seaside be gone??? We finally regained power a few days later, and I actually ran onto my porch and screamed in joy and jumped up and down saying, WE HAVE POWER! WE HAVE POWER! My kids thought I was nuts, (cant imagine why, but I know its a memory theyll never forget). I had this urge to hug my neighbors and say, We made it! Because our block did well in comparison to other parts of the town. A huge sense of all being connected was felt throughout the State of New Jersey. We lost OUR shore. Everyone feels its their shore. Its DOWN THE SHORE. My heart goes out to anyone still suffering the effects of Sandy. #reflecting
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 13:27:27 +0000

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