So we moved on January 3rd, and were just getting settled in. Its - TopicsExpress


So we moved on January 3rd, and were just getting settled in. Its a big, gorgeous house just outside the city. Two stories, five bedrooms, an office space, a fireplace, and a recently renovated kitchen. We got it for a great deal, too. My bedroom has a large bay window that looks out onto the golf course that backs onto our backyard. Theres a walk in closet and I absolutely love it. So anyway, Ive been unpacking like crazy these past few days and I think Ive finally got my room looking the way I want it to look. My walls are painted, my walls are decorated with photos and its starting to really feel like home. There are some shelves up near the top of the closet where I thought Id store some shoeboxes filled with knickknacks and old junk (I can be a bit of a hoarder). So last night, I pulled over a chair from under my desk and moved a bunch of stuff up there. And over in the back lefthand corner, there was a book. Black hardcover with yellowed pages. A pair of initials were engraved into the binding: R.H. I grabbed it and hopped down onto my bed. It must have belonged to the person who had this room before we moved in. I opened it up to the first page, and I realized it was a diary. Ill copy down the first entry word for word. ............................................................................................................... February 18th 2010 Dear Diary, Hi. My name is Ellie. So basically my therapist, Angie, said I should write stuff down to help get out my emotions or whatever. So here I am. Today they came to see me again. Angie said I need to ignore them - theyre in my mind, she says. My anxiety and depression triggers these figures to appear. My mind creates them out of my own insecurity. But I know theyre real. No matter what the doctors say, I know theyre real. They warned me about the therapists. They told me theyd try and get rid of them. But theyre my friends most of the time. They protect me. I have to go. My parents are calling me down for dinner. R.H. ............................................................................................................... So basically it looks like the diary of a teenager with schizophrenia or something. I found it slightly creepy but Ive had some hallucinations in the past and I can sort of relate to the reality this RH is dealing with. I turned the page and read the next few entries. Nothing worth sharing, just some school drama and pretty normal stuff. She didnt bring up them. But then I found some bothering entries. Ill write them down again (word for word). ...............................................................................................................March 11th, 2010 Dear Diary, I cant deal with this anymore. Theyre mad at me. They said so themselves. I dont want to be here anymore. They hurt me today. They reached out and touched me. Theyve never done that before. And it hurt. They left a big bruise on my shoulder and it hurts to move it. R.H. March 15th, 2010 Dear Diary, Angie saw them today. She believes me now. R.H. March 21st, 2010 Dear Diary, Angie went missing yesterday. Authorities have no leads, but I know what happened to her. They told me what they did. But I cant tell anyone or itll look like I did it. Im starting to hate them. Theyre always with me now. I cant leave the house because they follow me around and Im afraid people will see them. R.H. March 25th, 2010 Dear Diary, Theyre eating me alive. My mind is a battlefield, and theyre the enemy, but they tell me they love me. They made me do it. They made me do it. They made me do it. R.H. ............................................................................................................... At this point, I was kind of scared, like I was reading a creepy story instead of a diary. There was a reddish brown substance smeared across the page. Looked like blood, but you can never be sure. I flipped through the rest of the pages. There was nothing. Except on the last page. A small hi was written in the upper corner. I dont know why but I wrote hi and doodled all around it right below. I sighed, closed the book and pushed it back on top of the shelf. ............................................................................................................... This morning, when I woke up, it was lying on the floor, like it had fallen right off the shelf. It could have been a coincidence, but it was open to the last page, where I had written the day before. Right below my hi, there were two new entries. It definitely wasnt there before, and I kind of freaked out (obviously). In a neat, rounded handwriting that matched the rest of the journal, it said: Get out of here, get out of here, get out of here, youre not safe -RH And just below that, in a messy, quickly written handwriting, it said: hello brooke. welcome to our house. By nosleep618 ~ Krystal
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 07:31:14 +0000

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