So we took this quiz in class today. At first I was VERY - TopicsExpress


So we took this quiz in class today. At first I was VERY disappointed. I was told we would be struggling to finish it in under 45 minutes; I finished in less than 20. I thought it was going to be like the internet quizes of: I am very punctual Completely Agree, Somewhat Agree, Neutral, Somewhat Disagree, Completely Disagree. Instead is was more: I am very punctual Completely Agree Somewhat Agree, Neutral, Somewhat Agree, Completely Agree I always finish my work. In other words they gave you two choices that were not necessarily opposing options, yet you had to choose which one was more like you, or pick neutral. I was not a fan. It seemed too arbitrary to be able to get a good reading. Then the half of the results seemed like made up words. Intellection, Input, Connectedness, Adaptability, and Ideation, were my 5 top strengths. That gives me three in Strategic Thinking and 2 in Relationship Building. Not too bad I suppose; but I still suspect there are a lot of generalizations that arent so personal to one person; but can be used among most people. Plus, I so dislike the making up words aspect of it. I finally had the time to do some reading in greater detail on me and it was interesting. I look forward to finding more out about it. In the meantime, I find myself less hopeful and more skeptical than before I took it. When I left Tuesdays class I was downright giddy at the thought of doing free self-assessment stuff. The egotistical part of me loves to learn about myself. I have taken all sorts of quizzes I can find online, be it Myers-Briggs, or IQ, or which Buffy Character are you, or whatever, I just dont feel like I really learned much I can put to use in choosing a major or finding a career just yet.
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 02:55:33 +0000

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