So we want to change the world, we want to end pollution and save - TopicsExpress


So we want to change the world, we want to end pollution and save the Whales and all those other creatures that deserve to be here as much as we do. So it seems reasonable to donate money , make supportive noises and insist that the 3rd World is more careful in its approach to resource exploitation ….. oh dear oh dear … tut tut ……. Stop buying all those gadgets that you think you need , the latest I Phone , the 3rd TV and of course all the other so very essential toys of the 21st Century . The real power to change the world lies in your spending patterns and with no one else. Demand creates supply …… we demand and others will supply ! If you are really serious, insist that your elected officials prosecute those corporations that break the law and make individual share- holders liable for the damage done in the creation of share holder value and financial returns. Prosecute white collar crime with the same punitive desire that is felt for physical outrages and clean up corruption. If your elected officials fail in their governance, replace them. In a Democracy the most powerful tool you have is your Vote – use it . You can also change the spending pattern of Governments in Democratic Countries – this is called VOTING and telling your representative that his employment is not guaranteed.
Posted on: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 19:11:21 +0000

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