So we were in bed, decompressing, snuggling, the usual. When we - TopicsExpress


So we were in bed, decompressing, snuggling, the usual. When we noticed a light on in the LR/DR. We KNEW all the lights were off in the house, except ours and a small bathroom night light. This light that was snaking its way around a corner and down the hallway to us had an otherworldly purplish-blue-yellow tint to it. Breathing icy cold breaths of fear, I broke out into a frigid sweat. Somehow, I got out of bed. As if a force were drawing me to the light. Suddenly, I was in the LR/DR with only a vague recollection of walking there. As I looked upward toward the light source, I felt as if I were at the bottom of a deep pool turning my face to the sun shining thru the thick water. My arm outstretched to shield my sensitive eyes. WHAT THE HELL?! BRIAN!! COME EERE!! What in the..? In our pjs and stocking feet Brian and I Both stood looking straight up, mouths agape at the garish sight. Has that ever happened? I asked. I dont see how it could. We have lived here for 6 years and its never happened before. Huh. Brian walked closer to get a better look. careful... I warned. Its just a light. yeah one that HAS NEVER WORKED EVER IN ALL THE HISTORY OF US EVER LIVING HERE AND NOW IT JUST COMES ON IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FRICKIN NIGHT?! Its only 11pm Brian said in his annoying voice-of-reason tone. Yeah, a haunted one. THANKS FOR THE NIGHTMARES IM GONNA HAVE, OVERHEAD LIGHT!! Thanks alot. I yelled to the creepy inanimate object. I went off to bed. Brian came in a lil later. I took care of it. how did you- dont ask. With that, he switched off the light and I am now surrounded by darkness and the light of my phone. I keep watching for the haunted light to come on again. These things usually have friends ya know...
Posted on: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 04:55:05 +0000

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