So week two of my recovery from back-surgery is underway and, - TopicsExpress


So week two of my recovery from back-surgery is underway and, first the positives. The surgery seemed to go well, although I do not recall it (that goes in the positive column) and I have had no infection. The surgical site appears to be healing well. I am not in much pain... unless I stand or walk. This is where it becomes a tad less positive. I cannot stand straight and can hardly walk. Shortly after coming home from the hospital I walked 6 blocks because I thought pushing myself would be a good idea. There has been some speculation I pulled muscles along the way. Now, per instructions, I limp through the house periodically. At first I skipped pain meds as I hate the way they make me feel, (I just described it as feeling like a deflated air-mattress to my nephew), but they said I need them to heal so I take them when Tina tells me to take them. In short, I am doing as instructed but day after day I see/feel no improvement. (Thrown into the mix has been a nasty stomach thing that has provided opportunity to test my speed over short distances when nearly anything goes into my stomach. Nuff said.) The surgeon feels the most like explanation for the inability to stand or walk straight is inflammation and he started me on a dose pac of steroids this morning. I was very aware that yesterday was 9/11. I shed a few tears for all the suffering on that day and since. I hate not being able to serve my veterans. It feels useless. I hate not being able to serve my church. It is very difficult to be laid aside once again but suffering is good for us. I am just finishing a book called The Insanity of God which is about the persecuted church and it brings home the message that without suffering our faith simply cannot function properly. In large areas of the world, believers EXPECT to suffer for their faith. They also see God do miracles no less wondrous than those described in the book of Acts. In those areas of the world, suffering for your faith is just part of the equation and there is no bitterness or self-pity about it. This is not a romanticized view of persecution. It does not make me wish I were in their shoes. God knows I am not worthy of that exchange. But it does make me think that in the Western world, we need to embrace our suffering with a new clarity. Whatever we are going through in our personal lives that causes discomfort, it certainly cannot be seen in the same light as those who actually willingly accept persecution, torture, imprisonment and a multitude of other deprivations rather than betray Christ. But it IS what is at hand at the present and therefore an opportunity to learn patience in affliction if nothing else. This message is especially important for our youth. If you truly set your affections of Christ, take Gods work literally, embrace His view of what it means to be holy, accept the stark contrast between living to please the flesh and living to please the Spirit and set your mind, heart and will to crucify the flesh and live according to the Spirit, you are likely going to be lonely, misunderstood, ridiculed and ignored. Your pride will be insulted. And the worse of it will be these responses will come from within much of what calls itself church. What do compromises made to avoid even light and limited pseudo-suffering in the context of our uber privileged society, say about our lack of love for Jesus? In China, Christians meet under threat of imprisonment, torture and death. These risks are accepted in order to meet with the Church. Here it only takes a sunny day or a chance to enjoy ones self at the lake or the slightest malady that would NEVER keep up from work or nearly any other activity and we are content to skip church. Jesus said, where two or three gather in my name, I will be there. That is His way of saying, I dont care about the size of the crowd, I care about the intent and committment of the attendees. Better a few meeting in His name and ten thousand who meet in the name of a false gospel of prosperity or self-worship! My little ordeal is extremely small when compared to ITSELF let along what others face. Oh, I feel it very much and it is frustrating to not be able to do things that seem worth doing. But I know it is very, very light and likely fleeting. Nevertheless I would like to take from it what I can. I really do need to learn to take James seriously when he said to count it all joy when we face trials of all sorts because THESE are what grow our faith. Dont compromise in the face of suffering. Harden your battle resolve. In the jargon on the military Charlie Mike - continue the mission. God help us all.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 17:58:39 +0000

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