So, weve decided to do a little Q & A. For the past few years, - TopicsExpress


So, weve decided to do a little Q & A. For the past few years, my inbox has been full of questions (usually the same questions, just worded differently) regarding Collin, Cystic Fibrosis, etc. I dont mind questions at all...well, most questions anyway....but Matt & I figured that,if so many people are genuinely curious, we should answer you least just to clear up some confusion. So here goes: *Question: Did cystic fibrosis cause Collins hearing loss? *Answer: No, Collins hearing loss is not related to cystic fibrosis. Collin has bilateral sensorineural hearing loss. It is a genetic hearing loss, but is completely unrelated to CF. *Q: Will Collins hearing improve? *A: Although we do believe that God can heal anything, his doctors have told us that his hearing will definitely not improve...actually quite the opposite. His hearing loss is progressive, & is known to actually worsen. *Q: Will you homeschool Collin? *A: We honestly have no idea at this point. IF his health worsens, we would probably homeschool. IF our school of choice does not meet his needs, we would probably homeschool. IF this common core stuff doesnt go away (lol) we MAY homeschool. Hard to say... *Q: Will Collin need a lung transplant? *A: Not something we enjoy thinking about. Honestly, without a cure, there will come a point when that is something he would need....but...BUT we believe in a I dont feel like he will need a transplant. *Q: Will he need a liver transplant? *A: In all honesty, I do not know. Many CFers have needed a liver transplant. Collin is very pancreatic insufficient & his liver has shown (at times) a little damage...but, again, I think we will have a cure SOON....LONG before thats something we have to consider. *Q: what does his medicine actually do? *A: lol, answering that could take all day, if I go medicine by medicine. Ill just say, he has pills to help him absorb his food, meds to give him vitamins like you & I, meds to fight lung infections, meds to open airways, etc....all of his meds are to keep him healthy & for preventative reasons! *Q: What does his vest do? *A: His vest is used as a form of therapy called chest physio therapy. It basically shakes the junk right out of his lungs to keep him from getting infections! *Q: What were his surgeries for? *A: Well, his first surgery was to correct his rotated intestines. His intestines kinked up, & flipped up under his armpit. This was very painful for him, and it was caused by cystic fibrosis. His second surgery was to scrape out his intestines, because they became impacted with stool & mucus.....cystic fibrosis also caused this. He also had his stomach corrected (stapled), and a GTUBE inserted....his stomach was a birth defect completely UN-cystic fibrosis related. He also had his appendix grew in the wrong location, which was another birth defect completely un-cystic fibrosis related! *Q: Would another baby have a chance of having CF? *A: yes, its a 25% chance actually. *Q: Do your siblings (jimmy & Brandi) also have a chance of having a CFer? *A: Not my question to answer, yall. *Q: Can Maxx & Collin have children? *A: Collin has a 2% chance of ever having children naturally. Maxx is a carrier... Ive found some research that says his chances of having children could also be slim, but others say hes fine. And female CFers dont fall under these statistics, so you would have to google that...I dont know how it works for females. PERSONAL QUESTIONS THAT WE WILL NEVER ANSWER AGAIN.....FOR ANYONE! (Love you guys, but FO REAL)! Ha *Q: Did you know he had a chance of being born with CF? *A: We did not. *Q: Would you have tried if you had known the possibility? *A: Thats rude, yall. Collin is perfect...hes ours. I wouldnt trade him for anything in this world. I would choose to have him a billion times over. If you lined him up with 5 perfectly healthy babies and asked me to choose which one I wanted, I would choose him every single time. Im in love with him.....just like youre in love with yours. CF could never take that love from us. Period. And last, but not most hated question OF ALL TIME: Do you plan to have more children, even with the CF risk? Answer: I can make plans all day long, but God is ultimately in control. Thanks for your time! :) Thanks for your support! Love yall!
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 00:45:20 +0000

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