So weve had a beheading on American soil by an Islamic worker! I - TopicsExpress


So weve had a beheading on American soil by an Islamic worker! I can barely believe it or stand it!! Dear Lord have mercy!! Yes…it happened today in Moore, Oklahoma. People….Ive been telling you this for a few years…that there is no good kind of Islam. Our President tries to snow all this like they are all goodie, goodie. You know what? They all want Sharia Law here and now. They all believe the same stuff. They are not all radicals yet…but it takes little sparks to make big fires and they have the fuel in the tanks. This is not politically correct and may not be what you expect from a pastor. But just as the Black Robed Regiment (preachers who wore fighting clothes under their preaching robes) fought against the Brits, we had better be able to see and call evil what it is. Theyve infiltrated our universities with their Islamic/Middle Eastern studies undermining the Judea/Christian values of our nation…ONE NATION UNDER GOD! When you start killing my fellow Americans on my soil! You better get your fighting clothes on. Be reminded Jesus taught, If the good man of the house had known what hour the thief would come, he would not have suffered his house to be broken in. In short, the good man would have protected his turf. So dont give me the turn the other cheek idea. That is in a different context. We are to stand up for righteousness. We have freedom of religion, but not any religion, especially that which harms, violates, destroys the moral fabric - not to mention the very lives of innocent Americans. There is no disparity between Christianity and protecting our families and true freedoms. The framers intended freedom of speech and religion to protect the rights to worship God…Jehovah God. There were no real issues nor confusion to the God to whom George Washington and John Adams were praying. When your religion promotes bloodshed against innocent people, you have a sick, cultic thing going on….the likes of which were embodied in Osama Bin Laden and now the ISIS crew. The bloody history of Islam is written on the pages of virtually every continent. I am a Christian, a religion built on love, but not on ignorance, nor the tolerance of such vicious attacks as that which beheaded one of our own today at the hands of another radical, jihadist, Muslim. It has been reported by CNN that he was attempting to convert fellow workers to Islam. So when things dont go his way…..he beheads someone in his rage. That is the kind of thing I personally believe is pent up in most Islamic people. You will continue to see this more and more. Stay prayed up…stocked up….and for goodness sake start speaking up! I dont care what they think. My love for the country is more than my care for political correctness. Sorry…Im just sickened by the bloodshed that has now reached our shores in a barbaric fashion.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 21:30:21 +0000

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