So what are we gonna do now ... ? Like a lot of New Zealanders - TopicsExpress


So what are we gonna do now ... ? Like a lot of New Zealanders (but definitely not most), I am still analysing and processing last nights election result and the weird self-destruction of the left-leaning vote, particularly when it seemed they had so much devastating ammunition at their disposal. For whatever reason, it seems the allegations and evidence of corruption, manipulation, and sinister spying on its own people had a strange Bizzaro-world effect for the current, ruling government, who were re-elected with a healthy majority - the exact opposite of what you would expect. For the opposition parties it was a rout. A massacre. I know Ive used this analogy before, but it really felt like one of those Game of Thrones Red Wedding moments (The Lannisters send their regards! Aaaarrrghhh!!! etc). It would probably be inappropriate to describe yesterday as the Red Election though. So using that scenario, was Mr Dotcom the equivalent of GoTs Walder Frey? His participation was, it seems, a massive backfire for all connected with him, with middle NZ evidently repulsed by the jolly German fella. Thats understandable, but also a pity, because some of his mates had some important things to say. There are other explanations. Most of the opposition parties - Labour, the Greens and NZ First - splintered what support they had between them. Labour leader David Cunliffe doesnt seem to have near the gravitas or respect of his predecessor David Shearer, who that party are now no doubt regretting toppling from the top job. Theres opportunity now for Labour to have a clear-out. They have to. Theres too much dead wood in their ranks holding back the newer players. The Greens too need to consider such a self-examination. A big percentage of their support would have been sucked away by Internet-Mana, and they need to reposition themselves slightly to appeal to younger folk, rather than the old crusties. Like Labour, the Greens made some dumb moves including standing good candidates in electorates where Labour stood a chance. Maybe they will learn from this. It might be different in three years time. Will Winston Peters be tempted to go another round? Yeah, probably, but NZ First would be nothing without him and with them out of the picture the dynamic would change markedly. And sans the corrosive influence of Internet-Mana the Greens should do better too. But the next election seems a long, long time away right now. A lot of things are going to happen in the meantime and there is no guarantee that in that intervening time those who need to will learn how to play The Game to the ability of last nights victors. A lot of my friends will need some cheering up this morning. So heres some Clash.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 20:01:28 +0000

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