So, what can we do as people of faith to address issues of mental - TopicsExpress


So, what can we do as people of faith to address issues of mental illness?Churches need to stop hiding mental illness. The congregation should be a safe place for those who struggle. We should not be afraid of medicine. We need to end the shame.The fact is, mental illness is real. And its a real illness.It is also important that we recognize that prayer changes things. In fact, the gospel impacts every area of our lives and God can—and does at times—supernaturally heal every kind of illness. Yet, God often chooses to do so through an approach that includes prayer, study, Christian community, and medical intervention.Medicine is not the answer to everything, and we live in an overmedicated world, but we need to treat character problems like character problems—and illnesses like illness.I wish more Christians saw this. A church should be the first place we as a Christian should find comfort and security to open up and ask for help, but sadly so many congregations today are not worried as much for personal health issues of the members as much as they should be I ask all my facebook family to make it a point to pray for not only those who have physical health iillnesses and who have spiritual illnesses !! But to also keep in mind those who have mental illnesses and those who are suffering with silent and unspoken battles because of fear of being labled or fear of criticism. . Mental health is a huge cause of deaths all over the United States and it needs to be overcame as a family in Christ ♡♡ Thanks for taking the time to read this and I pray now in your congregation you make it a point to pray for all illnesses including mental health ! God bless you all in Jesus name Amen!!!!
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 01:48:36 +0000

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