So what could India@75 look like by the year 2022 if even the son - TopicsExpress


So what could India@75 look like by the year 2022 if even the son of a Tea Vendor can be a contender to be Prime Minister? ===================================== India@75 – where we reverse the trajectory of the Rupee from touching the Finance Minister’s age to may be getting closer to the Congress Vice President’s age India@75 – where our Youth don’t need “Rights” to settle for what the government gives, but our Youth have the Skills to aspire for more than what the Government can give and even more that the Govt cannot give India@75 – where our women don’t have to worry about working late in the National Capital but where in every Town and City safety for Women comes before VIP Security India@75 – where our Families don’t have to suffer shocks from frequent Petrol and LPG price hikes but a Energy Grid in our Cities and Towns gives comfort and peace of mind India@75 – where our Children don’t have to be at the mercy of a Government controlled “Right to Education” Act, but where our Children benefit from a vast expansion of educational opportunities through Public-Private Partnerships India@75 – where our Farmers don’t have to be at the mercy of the Rain God and Government Loan Waivers but where our Farmers have the support they need to produce Food, Export Cash Crops to the World and be Independent India@75 – where the weak, the marginalized don’t have to be at the mercy of an Employment Act or a Food Act but where they can climb the Ladder of Opportunity unhindered by backwardness, become part of Neo-Middle Class India@75 – where Minorities don’t cast a negative vote out of fear to be treated merely as vote banks but where Minorities cast a positive vote independently without fear for their Economic Progress India@75 – where our Highways don’t have to suffer years of delays for expansion and repairs but a well-planned network of Highways boosts Growth and creates Jobs India@75 – where our Businesses don’t have to fear Power Shortages and Blackouts but our states have a power surplus and even think of exporting Power to our neighbors India@75 – where our Chief Ministers don’t have to beg in Delhi for special status but where States have the Freedom and the Autonomy to chart their own pace of growth and development without being held back by Delhi India@75 – an Economy where Reforms and Growth have created Wealth for Hundred of Millions of Indians India@75 – an Energy Independent Nation that innovatively harnesses Non-Renewable Energy India@75 – an Open Country where Inland Infrastructure in the forms of Highways, Interlinked Waterways have economically Integrated States and Regions for all round growth India@75 – a Model Society of Communal and Social Harmony that has shed the baggage of the last century and overcome the many Conflicts and blurred the many Fault Lines India@75 – an Opportunity State where the Poor, the weak, the marginalized can climb the Ladder of Opportunity unhindered by backwardness India@75 – an Ownership Society where Local Communities Take Responsibility for the Welfare of their own needy, caring for them and providing for them India@75 – a Democracy where Electoral Reforms have eliminated Criminals from Politics India@75 – a Republic where Judicial Reforms have ensured Courts deliver Verdicts in a Timely manner having cleared decades old backlogs India@75 – a Federal Model of Governance where States have the Freedom and the Autonomy to chart their own pace of growth and development without being held back by Delhi India@75 – a Revolution in Local Governance has ensured every Town, Village and Community can expect Civic Services to be responsive to the Public Needs India@75 – a Rule of Law based Society where Police Reforms have ensured the Police Station serves the Local Community and is accountable to the Community for Law Enforcement India@75 – a Sovereign State that has transformed its hostile borders into benign free trade zones by winning over its neighbors, engaging with the World from a position of a strength
Posted on: Mon, 30 Sep 2013 02:57:11 +0000

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