So what does a balanced diet actually mean ? ..what does a - TopicsExpress


So what does a balanced diet actually mean ? ..what does a strategic use of Carbohydrates mean ? ..and how do you apply it to your training ? First a balanced diet ..basically a correct amount of all three macro nutrients to match your base line calorie expenditure .. whats your base line calorie expenditure ..this is what calories you burn on a normal working day without training, your BMR + work day intensity .. Then you have the strategic use of carbohydrates/calories, used in and around your training to ensure your body has adequate fuel not only to train hard but also to recover fast afterwards ..this can be manipulated to match your calorie expenditure in and around training times .. so how does all that figure : lets use a 70kg male amateur endurance athlete .. works an 8 hour day and trains 2 hours a day during the week 4-8 hours at the weekend ..1 day off BMR( basal Metabolic rate ) + working day intensity ( sat in office all day ) = estimated calorie expenditure 2500 cals .. splitting that into a balanced diet = 25% fats 20% protein 30% carbohydrates.. = 70g fats ( 625 cals) 125g protein ( 500cals) 187g carbs ( 750 cals ) .. total 75% of diet leaving 25% for pre work out meals, training fuel, post workout recovery .. So our athlete hits a 2 hr run in the morning .. medium intensity quality run ( non of this low intensity fat burning fat adaption rubbish ) burns 500 cals an hour expenditure 1000 cals So 60g carbs pre run fuel..( 2 x bananas ).. fuels 60 g carbs an hour so extra 60g of training fuel taken on the run at pace ( GU Roctane or 3x gels ) which allows him to train properly, maintain good form throughout run and train his stomach to take on fuel ... post workout recovery 60g carbs 20g protein in a recovery shake ..( Gu Recovery shake ) Total 180g carbs (720 cals) 20g protein (80 cals) Total calorie intake 800 cals .. leaving 200 cals energy deficit which his body will replace using Fat stores ( 22gs of fat ), so not over taxing his already stressed system ( liver, kidneys extra) ... Remainder of the day he eats his balanced whole food healthy diet ( 2500 cal ) of low to medium GI healthy Carbs, good fats and quality selects of protein, body recovers well ..blood sugar remains stable ..muscles repair and ready for next day ... energy levels are replaced comfortably without undue stress on the body .. at the weekend his calorie expenditure will be higher due to his long training sessions .. so more fuel will be required ..that 25% can be manipulated as required to meet training expenditure ... easy ;-) Stay healthy everyone ....:-)
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 09:23:34 +0000

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