So, what does it all mean? Well, for years, the entertainment - TopicsExpress


So, what does it all mean? Well, for years, the entertainment industry and the technocrats have been inundating us with UFO, ET, and robotic themes in order to prepare us for their endgame transformation. This delusion seems to be that eventually, we are going to be told or realize that ETs (aliens) are simply more evolved humans that have been trying to send messages to us and enlighten us. This has come to be known as the ancient astronaut hypothesis, advocated by crackpots such as Erich von Däniken, Zecharia Sitchin, and so-called conspiracy researcher David Icke, who even advocates the Kabbalist concept of a holographic universe. Messages from these “ancient astronauts” are contained in the form of mysterious crop markings (circles), as pictured above, or encounters with beings (alien abductions, angelic visitations). The complete externalization of the ancient astronaut hypothesis onto the masses will be the culmination of the Kabbalah-based scientific dictatorship’s alchemical transformation of mankind, a sort of transformation of everyone into the trans-humanist Jewish Golem character. This scenario is also the goal in Freemasonry, the New Age movement, and Theosophical groups. The Raelians and Scientologists believe that ET beings actually created us through genetic engineering. Virtually all occult groups agree in their trans-humanist goal for mankind, which is really just about establishing a greater system of control over slaves, not about enhancing and extending our lives as they claim.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 19:09:16 +0000

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