So what does the left handed thing really mean? We live in an - TopicsExpress


So what does the left handed thing really mean? We live in an oligarchy today, right now. A very small group of people controls the vast majority of the world’s population and that is a fact. So based on that lets say for a moment that some alternate power structure like the Illuminati exists and that those individuals are deeply invested in occult beliefs, which many believe they are, then would it not make sense to play out on a grand stage their beliefs? If that’s the case, then by installing or assisting left handed individuals to rise to power they symbolically showing us their adherence to the Left Handed Path. You can see this in the Carter vs. Regan scenario. Carter, not necessarily a bad president but commonly seen as a better ex-president and humanitarian then active president, is rocked by the Iranian Revolution, sky high inflation, the failed hostage rescue and most concerning in the United States the oil embargo. Carter is right handed, or symbolically a follower of the good/clean Right Handed Path. Now Regan steps into the presidency and begins to “fix” the economy as well as foreign policy eventually ushering in the collapse of the Soviet Union. His presidency is immortalized and widely seen by many as a “Golden Age.” Regan is left handed and thus the symbolism is set in motion to justify the left path, maybe even glorify it. What I am not saying is that to be left handed is bad or evil, nor am I saying every person on those lists was an occultist or even aware of why they were put into power. In fact according to many studies to be left handed actually gives you an advantage towards becoming a leader or champion and there are many amazing wonderful people who are left handed.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 02:07:07 +0000

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