So what if I make you mad! We as a country who claims we are - TopicsExpress


So what if I make you mad! We as a country who claims we are better, we are superior, that we are right in what we do, we glorify a person who spent a career hating her own self, so uncomfortable she caused her own death wanting to appear like someone else (Joan Rivers) Yet we dont comment on the true image of God (children of this earth) we ignore, we disbelieve, we turn from helping, or even understanding what is happening. We like tasteless, and not so funny jokes from a human Barbie doll, yet not one person expresses anything about the child that just went missing while posting this post. Lets all get involved in the death of a fake person, while we fund bombings of innocent people and children around the world, we support Obamas administration by not even voicing facts of his evil works, yet we just personally attack him alone, the puppet, over color, over policy, over what ever we think is the reason our country sucks balls, instead of the laws that are broken by him, and congress, and our states Senators(legislation, who I may add is our lawyers for we the people), maybe because we have our heads so far in peoples asses like Joan Rivers, and sports, and our superior gadgets I phones, and what not is the reason our lifes suck so bad. Go ahead make yourself sound like a fool for saying such a thing like you love your life, look around your world you live in instead of the little world in your head. Does anyone find the redundant postings of worthless lifes happenings boring? Do you feel posting videos, and pictures of junk is doing your part? Wow we have come a long way from civil rights movement with sit ins, boycotts and protest. We have all this information at our finger tips to just rock this countries evil people who infiltrated our political seats of power, but like Michael Moore said it best, we watch videos of cats flushing a toilets. What about MLK, Malcolm, JFK, did we listen, do we show once ounce of respect for what they done for all of us? They got MURDERED and we do not budge, Joan Rivers killed herself, and we mourn? Yet I am an ass for saying such shit like this. Ask me wheres is the respect for her cuz she is dead, its right here undoing what she took part of by distracting our nation, making millions on jokes, as if we should be laughing, and that goes for the whole lot of them, even the ones I Iike. I am not saying to enjoy these people is wrong, Im saying how long or how much do we give to this thing, while ignoring life, and giving nothing, oh thats right we did, the Ice bucket challenge, we did do something, we publically look like fools, we wasted very precious water which children need in Africa and other countries, even our own country as we have a major water problem here, we donated to a Corporate entity who will only use 7% of the money for research, and we showed the world how we come together, and for what we come together for. ALS is sad, so are tons of other things, I wonder if 120 BILLION Tax dollars of the Defense budget each year would help ALS and all others? You hate my words? do you find me being accusing? Yeah I am, I am checking you, I am tapping your shoulder saying hey homie, you doing wrong, lets make it right. I am saying we are all human, and we are not perfect, but we have to start being responsible for our own ignorance, including myself, this is not all about being wrong, but starting to be right. I see lots of people who stand up and do right, but that is out weighed by junk, just junk. Just imagine we could use FB for a voting station, to hit likes on petitions that vote out political corrupted figures, to gather all the millions of us on 1 page to do right, and no need to dump Ice on your head either! Marinate on that for a moment, and I do not want a like, I want you to use your tool in between your shoulders.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 14:21:11 +0000

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