So what is government, legally? Government The regulation, - TopicsExpress


So what is government, legally? Government The regulation, restraint, supervision, or control which is exercised upon the individual members of an organized jural society by those investedwith the supreme political authority, for the good and welfare of the body politic; or the act of exercising supreme political power or control. (Are you a member of that society that they mention? No, that refers to the law society. But you assume you are. Keep in mind all judges police and politicians are SWORN in, theyre being sworn into that very society. Thats their society, not yours) Assumption. The act or agreement of assuming or taking upon one’s self; the undertaking or adoption of a debt or obligation primarily resting upon another, as where the purchaser of real estate “assumes” a mortgage resting upon it in which case he adopts the mortgage debt as his own and becomes personally liable for its payment. (Those assumptions are costing you your freedoms and a bucket load of $$$. Notice how its all about taking on a debt?) So how did they do it??? That political society has told all new parents they have to register their child. Legal meaning of registered under common law. REGISTER, common law. The certificate of registry granted to the person or persons entitled thereto, by the collector of the district, comprehending the port to which any ship or vessel shall belong; more properly, the registry itself. Now that government created a legal fiction with a name like yours but it contains a title and is written in all capitals letters, this is known as.. Capitis Diminutio Maxima (meaning a maximum loss of status through the use of capitalization, e.g. JOHN DOE or DOE JOHN) – The highest or most comprehensive loss of status. Everyone is aware of a birth certificate but what about your live statement of birth? Why are there 2 different forms of I.D? One is you and one is your LEGAL FICTION. Your legal fiction (birth certificate) started when countries started going broke and created a means by which they could legally extort money from you without breaking any of your rights. They tell you, ignorance is no excuse for the law. There is common law and commerce law. Common law is simple, if you do no harm and cause no damage you break no law. Break those 2 laws, and it will pay the price. Commerce law was created for countries to do business and have a set of RULES they all follow. Its also known as Maritime law. Everything they do and say is disclosing which law they put you under you just cant see, even though its stares you right in the face. The moment you agree your either conducting commerce or at sea, they have you in contract. Ever been pulled over?? Driver... One employed in conducting a coach, carriage, wagon, or other vehicle,with horses, mules, or other animals, or a bicycle, tricycle, or motor car (One employed) Passenger..... A person whom a common carrier has contracted to carry from one place to another, (Being paid) Vehicle..... The word “vehicle” includes every description of carriage or other artificial contrivance used, or capable of being used, as a means of transportation on laud. (Laud means shore line.) License..... A license or instrument granted by the officers of excise, (or customs,) certifying that the duties on certain goods PERMIT 894 PERQUISITES have been paid, or secured, and permitting their removal from some specified place to another. Wharton. A written license or warrant, issued by a person in authority, empowering the grantee to do some act not forbidden by law, but not allowable without such authority. (Not forbidden by law??) 1 talks about estates, $$$$ LAWFUL. That which is not forbidden by law. Id omne licitum est, quod non est legibus prohibitum, quamobrem, quod, lege permittente, fit, poenam non meretur. To be valid a contract must be lawful. LEGAL. That which is according to law. It is used in opposition to equitable, as the legal estate is, in the trustee, the equitable estate in the cestui que trust. Vide Powell on Mortg. Index, h. t. 2. The party who has the legal title, has alone the right to seek a remedy for a wrong to his estate, in a court of law, though he may have no beneficial interest in it. The equitable owner, is he who has not the legal estate, but is entitled to the beneficial interest. 3. The person who holds the legal estate for the benefit of another, is called a trustee; he who has the beneficiary interest and does not hold the legal title, is called the beneficiary, or more technically, the cestui que trust. 4. When the trustee has a claim, he must enforce his right in a court of equity, for he cannot sue any one at law, in his own name; 1 East, 497; 8 T. R. 332; 1 Saund. 158, n. 1; 2 Bing. 20; still less can he in such court sue his own trustee. 1 East, 497. Birth certificate. The barons book of banking defines a certificate as a piece of paper establishing and ownerSHIP claim. Anything you say can and will be used AGAINST YOU. They disclose the truth. By agreeing that you understand your rights your entering a verbal contract.. Plus youre claiming to know what theyre doing and the implications. DO YOU UNDERSTAND YOUR RIGHTS, how many really know their rights?. Time to show just how in your face it is. Your birth certificate reads like a product. Name of product, weight, size, date of delivery, signature of informant. Birth / berth , canal, deliver, currency / current sea, you land in HOT WATER and need BALED out. The legal definition of bench is really bank, its where a judge sits. Because its their job to direct the flow of the current sea/ currency. Legal definition of BANK (not bench). A bench or seat; the bench or tribunal occupied by the judges; the seat of judgment; a court There are to kinds of acts written into law books. ACT 0F LAW. An event which occurs in consequence of some principle of law. If, for example, land out of which a rent charge has been granted, be recovered by an elder title, and thereby the rent charge becomes avoided; yet the grantee, shall have a writ of annuity, because the rent charge is made void by due course or act of law, it, being a actus legis nemini est damnosus. 2 Inst. 287. ACT OF MAN. Every man of sound mind and discretion is bound by his own acts, and the law does not permit him to do any thing against it; and all acts are construed most strongly against him who does them. Plowd. 140. 2. A man is not only bound by his own acts, but by those of others who act or are presumed to act by his authority, and is responsible civilly in all such cases; and, in some cases, even when there is but a presumption of authority, he may be made responsible criminally; for example, a bookseller may be indicted for publishing a libel which has been sold in his store, by his regular salesmen, although he may possibly have had no knowledge of it.
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 06:16:45 +0000

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